Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:29 pm
Hello, I'm new to this forum and fishing in general. I have just purchased a 4 meter inflatable boat and a 15 hp evinrude outboard motor. I'm looking to get out fishing in the boat along the east coast ( weather and wind permitting ) and plan to take my father in law along for the trips, He's been fishing for the last couple of decades from the shore and the odd charter boat so he has plenty of fishing experience but hasn't fished from a private boat before. I'm just wondering if anyone could share some decent fishing spots anywhere along the east coast within an hour or two of Dublin where we might have half a chance of catching a fish, Species doesn't really matter as I'm just trying to build experience. I understand people don't like to publicly post decent fishing spots so please feel free to send me a private message if you wish, Any tips and tricks will be highly appreciated and hopefully one day I can return the favour.
Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:09 pm
I forgot to mention, I've also purchased a 4kg danforth anchor along with 4 meters of 8mm chain and 100 meters of 8mm rope, i hope this should be adequate for the type of fishing i would like to be doing, I understand the danforth won't hold in rock but hopefully it will be ok in other situations? I was going to get a bruce anchor but opted for the danforth due to storage issues.
Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:43 pm
Danforth will work on rock as well. As you say, you made a compromise decision based on your needs.
I'd be looking towards Greystones and that neck of the woods. I'm sure you'll meet small boat anglers down that way...
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