Fri Apr 02, 2004 11:03 pm
Could any one name a few competition Boat rigs and their basic layout. I notice alot of boat traces involve using one hook but are there any three hook rigs.
Sat Apr 03, 2004 3:43 pm
Yes! there's loads! i am not a boat angler but i am familiar with tactics. years of sea angler magazines means i have seen quite a few boat rigs (some of which i have successfully modified for shorefishing!). clean ground- 3 hook flowing rig. no more than 6' long, this lenght can be varied to species and tidal conditiond. spread hooks out along lenght of trace with one hook at the end. u can use loop to loop/ swivels and beads or booms (recommended) to position droppers. a wishone type rig with one dropper above it is good. mixed ground- one up/ two down, shorter trace lenght with wishbone on bottom snood and another snood fishing off the bottom above it. rough ground- 3 hooks up, allow your hooklenghts to get progressively longer towards thetop hook. boat anglers swear by small spinner blades and beads above hooks. this is only a general guide but should see u right. u can change the design of these rigs as u gain more experience. * don't be afraid of using small hooks when boat fishing. u will land large fish on a size 1.
Sat Apr 03, 2004 9:21 pm
Competition rigs.
Standard rig is two feathers, often baited with mackerel slivers above a boom with a rotten bottom link with a redgill or shad or similar on a six foot length off this. Simple to set up, easy to use, minimises snagging and takes a wide variety of species, especially on the drift over rocks. More to the point, you can make three complete rigs out of a single set of mackerel feathers, and you have the option of a flapper on a big hook on the end if you suspect the presence of larger fish / slack water period.
Sat Apr 03, 2004 9:31 pm
kieran wrote:Competition rigs.
Standard rig is two feathers, often baited with mackerel slivers above a boom with a rotten bottom link with a redgill or shad or similar on a six foot length off this. FWIW...
If i were competition man, I'd be tempted to use a baited mustad shrimp rather than the bottom feather.
Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:04 pm
Can hokkai's be used in conjunction with a boom when bottom fishing?
Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:56 pm
Short answer is yes
Long one is that the traces that the commercial manufacturers use are painful for tying knots into and you will need to add line to one that you have cut into several section to accommodate the boom and flowing trace. If I have the time I prefer to take the lures off the commercial trace and put them on my own one, usually with longer snoods...
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