I be mashing up last years mackerel to refreeze and be ready for the off,
My question is, I have bout 60 peeler crabs that must be over 3 years old, is it a good idea to mash some of these in to the mixture,
cant get my hands on fish oil or blood and I think I heard in the past that cooking oil helps spread the slick... is this true ?,
I also have old frozen Pollock and haddock should I mix this in with the bran and mackerel ?
in anticipation of your help I thank you.
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:00 pm
I'd be happy throwing anything fishy in there and anything with decent scent like the crabs will be OK too. The oil helps disperse as you say and veg oil will do fine.
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:45 pm
Thank you for the quick reply Jim,
I been sitting here thinking WILL I OR WONT I .
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:17 pm
some sand from the beach can be good to get the sent going deep as well
seank wrote:Hey dude heres a great video by graeme pullen
Thanks for the link Sean, I always enjoy watching him in action.
guts wrote:some sand from the beach can be good to get the sent going deep as well
Thanks for the tip Guts, Yourman in the video is doing just that, anything is worth a try if it helps achieve the goal.
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:39 am
Sand always made a difference for us when sharking up in the Northwest especially on a bad day.
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:41 am
You can put anything in that dubby. As for fish oil, just go to aldi or lidil and get a few bottles of cooking oil. The stuff works a treat. Some people use bran in there dubby too. A bit expensive so we use sawdust instead. And trust me, it goes down a treat with them. Where are you fishing from???? I fish for them 20 - 25 miles from cork harbour.
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Re: Shark Ruby duby
Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:25 pm
Nice size fish there Glanza,
I have 2 10lt buckets of Chum made and packed away in the freezer, went and got fresh scraps from fishmonger, Bran from the mill, added all the old fish I had bashed it with a 14lb sledge hammer till it turned to mush then mixed 1/2 pint cooking oil and same of sardine oil... stirred it in, put an onion bag in the bucket poured it to near the top then done as yourman in seans link... that is I put more bran on top to soak up any fluids,
I didn't see your sawdust tip till after I bought the bran Which was cheap enough at $3 for a stuffed carrier bag full, so I'm ready for the off, Looking back I think I may not have put a much oil in as I should but I can make up for that by mashing up some fresh mackerel on the day then add more bran and oil,
either way I feel much more prepared then I was last time, I think there will be a NE wind on the day's I plan to go out so I hope this don't affect the fishing, last time out there was a SSE and this totally changed the fishing for the worst compared to the time before, Suppose we will just have to suck it and see,
We be fishing bout 5 mile off Loop Head, I know you in Cork need to be out much further because of the amount of boat traffic in the area, Here at the Loop is no way near as busy as cork harbour,
when I bring the fastworker back up to Limerick I then hope to bring the Orkney back to Cork for a bit of Cod fishing during the colder months... Well that's the plan anyroad.
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:01 pm
First off, as you know, you're as good as your rubby dubby. So hats of to you for putting in the effort with it. Your mix sounds good. Try to get your hands on a lobster pot to put the dubby into, and hang from the side of the boat. The Sharks down here do be locking onto the onion bags. CRAZY s***. The quality of the video is pretty bad. I took it on an iPhone 6. I think this site __ it up when they compressed the thing. As for the wind. It's vital. Our best wind down here is a North to North-West. You definitely need the slick to be traveling and for the boat to be drifting and covering a lot of ground. DONT SKIMP ON HOOKS AND WIRE AND RUBBING LINE. VITAL . When it's flat calm outside, it's no good for sharking. The dubby just drops down under the boat. So a bit of chop is ideal. I wish you all the best with your future trips. I have so great videos with better quality if you want to see them. Just let me know your email and I will bang them on to you. The quality will be better. TIGHT LINES AND SCREAMING REELS.
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Re: Shark Ruby duby
Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:04 am
Sound Glanza
I think I forgot to say I added old peeler crabs / razors and sorry looking Sandeels to the mix, The video was sound man it got the action in nicely, I know what you mean about the sharks attacking the bag, I seen some videos a while back of a couple of Cork lads out fishing where the shark was ripping into the bag while your man was trying to tell the shark to go away… Not the exact words he used but I was in bits laughing while watching it,
I think it was called “shark attacks dubby by tom” or words to that effect, I watched it over and over again as I showed it to mates, you had one Cool bloke filming and another chap giving it large to the shark, if I find the link I will send it to you… they had a great craic and so did we watching it,
After watching it and then taking the time to make this mix I thought if a shark busted this sack and mucked up my days fishing I would be saying much the same as the chap in the video, I found an old milk crate that I plan to hang over the side to stop me having a fit worse than he,
I had a video up of the shark we got last time on another post but it don’t work now and I cant figure how to change it, Don’t work cause a few of the lads were watching the video and one of them was annoying all of us by picking nits… saying things like you should have done this and you should have done that… in the end he giggled and said “He put music an all” It seemed that nobody but myself took notice to him so what I did was to put add more stuff to it Like an intro to a film then added Credits at the end… all this just to do his head in next time we play it to him, Sad or what.
Here’s the link to the vid that i hope to do his head in with
just back from a weeks fishing off valentia. im glad our rubby dubby is all gone because it was the foulest thing ive smelt in years. we had mackerel launce crab herring pollack and coalie left in a bucket for 4 days in the sun , we then added bran and a big bag of maze that we got for 5 quid down the local agri , aswell as sand to let it sink. we had a run off a massive shark which we think was a porbeagle and we only think this because our dubby was down deep aswell as up on top. we whisked everything down to a fine powder and it was brilliant. i enjoy the making of the dubby but i wouldnt say no to some of these frozen dubby blocks ive been hearing about.
does anyone know where i can purchase the frozen blocks ?
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:26 pm
if you can get somebody to puke in it really helps as well
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:42 pm
jw wrote:if you can get somebody to puke in it really helps as well
I must remember to open the bucket near the palest looking bloke on the boat
Re: Shark Ruby duby
Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:32 pm
Great video Mann. really enjoyed it. A fine blue. And that was a fine pollack too, that the guy had on the muppets. Happy days.
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Re: Shark Ruby duby
Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:00 am
Sound, I know the video is a bit over cooked but as i explained its just to wind a proper begrudger up a bit more,
that chap that had the Pollock on got his target fish "Cod" just before the shark appeared, He loves the trips out and travels a good distance with just a couple of hours notice.. great bloke but i will have to bring a big stick next time to keep him away from the camera