Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:34 pm

Hi all,

Could anyone recommend a good rod for working slightly heavier jig heads or lures in the range 50-100g. My previous shore lure rod was rated to cast 10-30g but had quite a soft tip, so any jig head above 40g just killed the action.

I have a new lure rod rated to cast 10-40 g and it's stiffer than the last one, but I don't think it will serve me well when I need to use jig heads heading up to 60, 70 or 80g- depending on depth and tide.

Be interested to hear your advice on a suitable rod.

Re: Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:45 pm

This is a subject close to my heart! I have done a bit of work on this one. Firstly most rods do not have a “jig rating”, just the normal casting rating (in many cases rating seems to be a figure plucked from thin air… But that is another subject). But some rods actually do have a jig rating.

To give you a better idea….. Take the Element Riders from Illex. If you look at the catalogue or on the rods they have a casting rating and also a jig rating. So a S210mh is rated at something like 7-35g and has a jig rating of 100g. A S210 h has a rating of 10-60 and a jig rating of 180g. In reality I find that these jig ratings are optimistic but close enough to being the real upper limit of the rod. Also adding tide to the mix adds more grams if you get my drift. :)

By the same token I have a P&M Kairo that I got for the exact reasons you outline. I'll have to double check the model,I think it is an S220h rated at 10-50g. It handles the heavier heads well. I'm talking either heavier heads/jigs (100-150g) or deeper water. I mention the Kairo as it is a well priced rod. I ordered it on the basis of the illex jig rating assuming it would handle up to 150g. As I say, it has worked well!

So what I would say is by using the ratings above it might help you select a “heavier” lure rod. I think that a fast action rod is best. Some of the modern lure rods have missed the need for tip action but with the ability of bending when required that comes from modern carbon fibre. What 10-40g rod did you get? By my reckoning it should handle the weight if the blank is good.
You can always have a feel off the Pezon and take it for a test drive if you wish.

Re: Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:03 pm

Well Jim, thanks for the reply.

I picked up a nearly-new Grauvell Teknos Gold Spin 802 ML 10-40g, not that common a rod but a nice one. Nice fast action on it. Haven't had a cast in anger with it yet, was going to go after some pollock this evening from the shore but the weather has taken an awful turn for the worse.

I think I remember that P&M rod- you passed it around at your demo in Dublin in February- I liked it.

I suppose I'll try the new rod with some of the bigger jig heads and see how it fares. It may cope well enough, a reasonably fast acting round with a cast rating of up to 40g sounds like it should handle up near 100g jigging.

Re: Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:22 pm

Hi. Grauvell rods are nice aren't they. I use one of Teknos rods too and it works well :)

Just an information, I've often heard a good words in Japan on Jigging rods by Shimano. Yasei Tenya (item code SYATEN1225: casting weight 45-95g) may suite for your purpose. ... tenya.html

"Yasei" means "wild", and "Tenya" is a Japanese traditional jigging method. Tenya uses a jig head + live shrimp mainly targeting Chrysophrys Major around 3 - 8kg (or smaller obviously), but it also works for other species. Tenya rods tend to be lithe and light to pick up every action from the bottom. Enjoyable.

I don't know which Irish shop has a stock. It is priced around 130 euro at fishingtackle24... ... -225m.html

Re: Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:43 pm

A little more on this

The lure rod I got was indeed very nice to use, but I had a mishap while shore fishing - I slipped on a rock and fell on the rod, snapping the top section six inches from the top !

I decided to try rescue the situation so I took off the last remaining ring and put on a tip ring. so I now had a 7.5 foot lure rod with a stiff tip- might be perfect for jigging?

And so it turned out on a recent trip out of youghal. The rod worked really well with jig heads up to 90g in 30m and over of water- the action of the rod was very good.

Rod handled some good pollock beautifully too, the biggest being 65 cm

Re: Rod for 50-100g jig heads

Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:12 pm

How bad! I like 7' rods.
In the early days I took a few inches off Diawa rod I was nearly perfect!