Rod Advice Please

Fri May 29, 2015 9:05 am

Ive posted this in the tackle section but may get a better response here.

Some advice please.

I'm after a light boat rod to target tope, not broom handle stiff but a rod that is light in the hand but enough poke to tame a tope. As I only go after them a few times a year so don't want to spend a fortune either.
€50~€60 budget.
Any suggestions?

Re: Rod Advice Please

Fri May 29, 2015 11:08 am

crevan, the class of rod you use is more determined by the lead you use then "poke to tame a tope"
often tope are in places where the tide is strong and you need to use a heavy lead

i would advise you to get a rod a bit more expensive as on a cheap rod the rings or reel seat will start
to rust or crack or break quite quickly

as part of the marketing of tackle the industry is constantly coming out with new branding
and zany sounding names

i agree, a light rod is much nicer to use, so pick one, and either google for it of ring
a retailer and check what the weight is

Re: Rod Advice Please

Fri May 29, 2015 11:25 am

20/30 class rod should do the job. Look for something in the 7'6" range. I Prefer the longer boat rod with my favourite rod been a 12/20 8'4". ... cts_id/952 ... cts_id=788

Matched with a Penn 535 or Slosh 30, Loaded with 40lb braid

Re: Rod Advice Please

Fri May 29, 2015 11:25 am

just found this ... 19700.html
only three left and 60 quid, highly recommend the rods and this 12/20 rated rod should handle a tope off a boat...


Re: Rod Advice Please

Sat May 30, 2015 8:56 pm

shakespere ugly stik 20/30 ticks the boxes about 70 odd quid.

Re: Rod Advice Please

Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:53 pm

yep cant beat an ugly stick :)