Thu Mar 19, 2015 4:25 pm
Hi all
Just wondering what the ideal sea temp is for fishing in Ireland. Trying to plan a few big trips of the coast of Cork (based in Dublin), and was wondering when (soonest) to go for a decent days fishing on the water.
Is there a certain distance off shore one can go where the fishing is good regardless of water temp. ( wont be able to go much more than 20km on a good day)
Would I be right in saying the larger fish come from the deeper water to shallower water in the summer time. If so what sort of depth would we be talking about catching them in say at the moment or mid April.
Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:31 pm
Lots of variables in your questions there Briaineo. First of all you have to decide what species you want to target? Certain species can only be caught in the summer/Autumn when the water is warmer. Some species are available 12 months of the year, regardless of water temp.
I would say from May through to October, you will generally enjoy better weather and better fishing than you will in the depths of winter, and you will have a greater number of species to target.
Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:22 pm
Joe is spot on Licensed to fish all year round, great boat and he can bring you upto 40 miles offshore
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