Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:12 pm
Want to try ray from the boat, what's the best rig? Beads/ spoons/ colour ? Appreciate any comments
Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:07 am
Cant say its the best BUT
I have used a T bar type boom made from a coat hanger bout a foot long, lead link on the bottom and strong swivel for the main line,
3ft snood with 4 or more lumi beads crimped tight to the eye of a 1/0 hook, the beads were not just added for attraction but also for protection against being bitten off,
Used to use 30lb snood but soon changed to 50lb, some prefer longer snoods but I stick to what worked for me,
As per usual I had to make my own booms and bits cause they don sell them near me, also found that a whole squid packed with lug and held on a double hook rig with bait elastic works great, be sure to stab it a couple of times to let the juice flow,
Caught a nice ling with this rig using 3/0’s bouncing along the bottom, half a mackerel fillet “tail end” worked for me.
Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:00 pm
An 8 ft flowing trace 60lb mono with 3 hooks.A few beads and tubing above the hooks.Bait with mackerel,squid or sandeel.
Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:42 pm
Use a boom with 1/0 hooks with flowing trace
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