How fast of a Wind Gust before a boat trip is called off?

Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:22 pm

I'd like to know what is normally the strength of the wind gust before a skipper calls off a fishing trip? Same as swell? How big of a swell forecast before they say its dangerous?

Looking at winguru for this one.

Thanks in advance for all the inputs.

Re: How fast of a Wind Gust before a boat trip is called off

Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:17 pm

It all depends where you are, the boat you are travelling on, how keen the skipper is, what the plan for the day is ...etc. etc.

Re: How fast of a Wind Gust before a boat trip is called off

Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:36 am

Thanks Jim.

We are planning on going out next Saturday. Looking at the wind forecast this early. It doesn't look promising.

Going out in Kilbaha in Clare.

Re: How fast of a Wind Gust before a boat trip is called off

Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:45 am

Indeed, it looks like brisk enough westerlies. There is probably few paces to hide in a westerly. Do they head to the estuary?

Re: How fast of a Wind Gust before a boat trip is called off

Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:33 am

simplywabs wrote:Thanks Jim.

We are planning on going out next Saturday. Looking at the wind forecast this early. It doesn't look promising.

Going out in Kilbaha in Clare.

because the forecast is only reliable 48hrs in advance, you wont be able to decide till
thursday evening. Once the average westerly wind speed on windguru gets above around 16 knots
you will be thrown around too much to get west of horse island, there is plenty of good stuff
to fish for east of that though - huss conger sometimes ling, ray, some tope left, and
all the other usual species, small pollack coalie wrasse etc