Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:09 pm
Hi Lads
Every time a professional fisherman, angler or other boat user drowns in Ireland there is a huge flood of sympathy on this website. There have been 14 deaths in Irish waters so far this year albeit many due to the good weather. So how come in a large amount of posts from boat anglers not everyone if at all anyone is wearing life preservers? I just don't get it. When there are reports of drownings from boats it is often presumed that the victims were novices when in fact it is more likely for experienced boaters to drown. I don't know weather it is because they feel more comfortable about safety due to their experience or what.
I'm not here to moan, I always wear some sort of life preserver whether I'm on a private, hired or chartered boat. Be safe lads, it breaks my heart to hear of deaths that were avoidable.
Is there a way SAI can help. In a post before one user suggested that photos posted on boats with no life jackets should be banned! Could be too extreme but could the moderator suggest to the poster that they should have had a life-jacket? There have been posts with children on boats with no jackets!
Be safe out there.
Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:38 pm
Well said, I've often wondered about this myself. Personally I put on my lifejacket every time before I even launch the boat, the quayside is just as accident-prone as out on open water. Banning no-lifejacket pix might be counter-productive as you say, maybe add a friendly reminder when posting a comment. Encouragement is always best.
Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:01 pm
on my boat if your to tough to wear one you stay on the wall .no exceptions! its not goin to sort the problem, but its not adding to it . and i do understand wearing a life jacket does not save you from cold or rocks .
but by wearing it your family might get ya back to say goodbye!
Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:14 pm
Every shipping vessel, regardless of size, must carry lifejackets/personal flotation devices for each person on board.
Everyone on board a vessel of less than 23 feet (7.0 metres) in length must wear a lifejacket/personal flotation device.
This applies equally whether the boat is at sea, in harbour or coming to and from moorings.
A no brainer!
more in detail reading here if you really need it:
http://www.iaru.ie/?q=content/departmen ... -gudelineshttp://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/tr ... eland.htmlhttp://www.dttas.ie/marine/MaritimeSafe ... G&loc=1986
Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:28 pm
Cormdogg wrote:boats with no life jackets should be banned!
They are Cormac, only trouble is the enforcement of these rules and regulations, as it seems to be always the case - still, how many more have to go down to Davy Jones' locker before education kicks in?
Swimming and water safety classes should be made compulsory in an island nation. At NS level!
Might save a few lives. Wishful thinking, I know...
Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:20 pm
The Austrian wrote: Swimming and water safety classes should be made compulsory in an island nation. At NS level!
Might save a few lives. Wishful thinking, I know...

That should be the case, i said the same thing a while back here
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=43676 but i dont think it will happen in my life time anyway. if your coming out in my boat the life jacket goes on straight away and stays on for the duration no matter how good the weather conditions are if you dont like it you dont come out or stay out if thats the case
Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:06 pm
http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/2005/en/si/0921.htmlLook at 6(1) it is totally flawed. One of the most dangerous places to fish
at anchor down my way is inside Cork Harbour with currents of up to 2kts in a spring tide yet you do not have to wear a lifejacket.
As for when tied up (fast to the shore) at a marina or quay side has anyone tried to swim between two boats 2 feet apart?
For the hero who will tell you he is a strong swimmer my answer always is
have you ever tried swimming while you are unconscious after been knocked overboard
Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:37 pm
It would seem to be completely reminiscent of the whole debate of wearing a seat belt, and look at how long that took, or still taking,
I think that until the mindset changes, very little else will......
Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:38 pm
In actual fact people do not have to wear a life jacket when at anchor or tied fast to a mooring or marina. People "below deck" do not have to wear lifejackets.
Certainly on an angling boat people should wear jackets at all times.
The heads of the regs are here
Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:58 am
The question is what can SAI do to promote the issue buy subtly suggesting to posters not wearing life jackets that they are in breach of regulations and putting themselves at risk. Perhaps a thread on people showing there safety set up or gear. People often like to show off their new rods, engines, etc. Maybe a sponsor might throw in a few life preservers.
Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:43 am
Cormdogg wrote:The question is what can SAI do to promote the issue buy subtly suggesting to posters not wearing life jackets that they are in breach of regulations and putting themselves at risk. Perhaps a thread on people showing there safety set up or gear. People often like to show off their new rods, engines, etc. Maybe a sponsor might throw in a few life preservers.
After the usual frothing, a good practical suggestion. Also, maybe all posts on the boats forums could have the words "STAY ALIVE - ALWAYS WEAR LIFEJACKET!" as an embedded headline on the text. A small move, but its subliminal effect could be big.
Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:00 pm
once the boat is over 23ft they dont have to be worn, i cant understand this myself because if you manage to fall in from a charter it's still the same kind of sea no matter how big the boat is
Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:36 pm
life jackets should always we worn,also now there are some plb s on the market,ch marine doing them with a 10%discount for boat angling Ireland members,maybe the mods here could do something similar,these send a satalite siginal to coast guard,also a small gripe,all safety equipment should be cheaper,then there would be no excuse not to have life jackets,flares etc,another important issues is to maintain life jackets,check gas,salt tablet etc,eddie..............
Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:50 pm
No one gets out on my boat without one.
Not being smart but are the two lads in your avatar wearing them? Doesn't look like it!
Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:38 am
and i hear again today a yacht off howth over turned and 6people with no life jackets shocking stuff really some people must not value there life if you ask me
Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:52 am
DAMIEN wrote:and i hear again today a yacht off howth over turned and 6people with no life jackets shocking stuff really some people must not value there life if you ask me
This might be it
http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/ ... -1.1490774
Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:57 pm
“Their lifejackets undoubtedly played an important role in their safe recovery.”form the news clip,eddie.......
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