Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:59 pm
needing to get both for new boat,un sure whats best to get?looking at the garmin ones that does both such as
http://www.marineparts.ie/electronics/g ... -451s.htmlanyone use or know if there good or whats the best to go for?do i need and aeril for the above gps or just transom sensor?
Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:44 pm
I recently got the Garmin 551. I would recommend this one as it has a bigger screen. You'll need to get the transducer if you intend to use the sounder. It's an extra 70 quid or so. Ariel/ antennae not required as its integrated into the unit. I'm very happy with mine as its idiot proof to use.
Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:38 pm
for fishing i using 2 separate units garmin 451 and furuno ls4100,coz i cant aford all in one with a 8inch screen.if you split the screen on 451s for gps and sounder,you probably see less informations and will get less futures than using 2 separate 4inch screens.
Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:55 pm
Latest combi is the Garmin Echomap range:
The Echomap 50 is superb
Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:07 pm
flibustjer wrote:for fishing i using 2 separate units garmin 451 and furuno ls4100,coz i cant aford all in one with a 8inch screen.if you split the screen on 451s for gps and sounder,you probably see less informations and will get less futures than using 2 separate 4inch screens.
had been thinking off 2seprate one but garim echo map 50 look top job
Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:08 pm
JimC wrote:Latest combi is the Garmin Echomap range:
The Echomap 50 is superb
looks job in fairness for money and still cheaper than others
Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:27 pm
DAMIEN wrote:JimC wrote:Latest combi is the Garmin Echomap range:
The Echomap 50 is superb
looks job in fairness for money and still cheaper than others
Inbuilt chart too!
Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:08 pm
If your going for a combo unit try to to get a 7 inch display to you can see good detail in split screen mode. For me 2 x 5 inch units is perfect. The Garmin range is excellent and gives you the added advantage of uploading your track data and waypoints onto your laptop for safe storage or homework
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