Hand held VHF .

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:07 pm

Another question for ya lads, :D , looking to get a hand held VHF radio. Looking at the Icom , which is best . Thanks for the help. Value for money also Some are a mad price.

Re: Hand held VHF .

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:26 pm

I got this one, it's 6w , waterproof, floats , does everything you need it too... you buy cheap, you pay twice, this is a good middle ground one- not too cheap, but not as expensive as some of the ones with blutooth and such

http://www.marineparts.ie/electronics/v ... g-vhf.html

Re: Hand held VHF .

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:27 pm

and did the SRC course with this lot... really felt competent and happy to set to sea with it once I'd done it.

Re: Hand held VHF .

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:34 pm

I've got the cobra HH 475, on special for €159http://www.marinewebstoreireland.com/ . When i first got it i had a problem with the blue tooth but one email to cobra and they sent another radio. since that I cant fault it and the Bluetooth function is very handy. Mine takes a fair share of abuse on the kayak but is serving me well.

Re: Hand held VHF .

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:54 pm

The standard horizon 851e was the order of choice for this one, with all of the features of others, but with a waypoint directory, to store all notable marks, coupled with the gps, it has proved invaluable in getting a bearing in low visibility.....

http://www.delcom-radio.com/standard-ho ... 121li.html