Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:35 pm

I got the reel fully re done and now want to fill it with line but I need the line spec diameter of line versus length, I'm planning on putting on 50lb mono for shark fishing if it will hold enough.300yards+. Also I've a penn senetor 4/0 will this reel be too big for the job? I need the 2 reels cause I'm getting it ready for another angler.

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:54 pm ... 45_321.pdf

based on the figures here I'd say about 204yds of 50lb line with a diameter of 0.65

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:06 pm

Penn 320 only holds 325 yds of 15lb mono, so prob wouldn't hold enough 50lb mono, plus it has a level wind. 4/0 would be better option
specs of 320 in link below ... aspx#specs

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:22 am

Thanks very much, Etihad and Donal, looks like it won't do the job . :( .

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:23 am

Use braid and you'll have plenty of room.

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:36 pm

Hi jim , I know where your comming from , but I'm finding it hard to fill a reel with braid that is only going to be used for shark outings , and the cost of a reel full of braid is pricie. Would a penn 4/0 be big enough ?

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:49 pm

Penn 4/0 ...... Grand
I use a Calcutta 700 or 535

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:21 am

JimC wrote:Penn 4/0 ...... Grand
I use a Calcutta 700 or 535

Sound thanks jim, . I'll let you know how it goes.

Re: Penn gti star drag320 spec needed.

Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:11 pm

I don't use braid for sharking, mono all the way, braid floats and is prone to tangle with the gulls when fishing at anchor with a dubby bag and a balloon rig. Spool your multi reel with 50-80lb mono, use crimps instead of knots, 10-12' of 120-250lb rubbing leader, and then a marine grade ball bearing swivel connected to 4-5' 120-150lb steel biting trace for your hook lenght. Cox and Rawle Meat hooks or circle hooks 10-14, depending on what you're after. This setup should keep you in control of the game. Don't forget to bring a harness, your back and other valuable bodyparts will be very grateful for your foresight ;)