Mooring at Mullaghmore

Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:09 pm

Hi there,

I am looking for some info about mooring at Mullaughmore, Co.Sligo, there was a thread here but it has been closed and info was provided by pm :(

So if anyone could forward me on a number for the secretary that would be great, google is not my friend today!!

Thank you :)

Re: Mooring at Mullaghmore

Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:45 am

Nevermind after extensive googling I found it myself. Unbelievable how hard it was to get it, found a number on facebook of all places and it turned out to be Declan, the man I was looking for!

With this being an angling forum I thought there would have been a bit more help :/ But I suppose we women have to do everything ourselves :P