Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:35 pm
I am thinking of getting a drogue to make it possible to drift for pollack over inshore reefs . It will be a yard square at the mouth and several ft long . It will tow 15 to 20 ft behind the boat . The question is whether it would spook the fish altogether . Assume drifting a jellyworm in 20 to 40 ft of clear water .
I am inclined to think it would so you'd have to let out enough line to be fishing well behind the drogue itself . Does that make sense ? Better still , does anyone have any experience of that sort of fishing ?
All the best .
Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:06 am
No it'll be grand, I've one for the kayak, a fluorescent orange one that I use for drifting over reefs for pollock. You'll catch no bother.
Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:48 am
I've occasionally used a plastic bucket on a rope as a make-shift drogue in light winds.... did the job.
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