Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:42 pm
Hi it's a quick question and it might sound daft, how do you make a gilling trace ? I've googled it but I'm getting different answers. Also what is the best bait or eel for the end . Is there different baits/ lures you use for different species? ,.thanks.
Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:03 pm
Your boom choice is the most important. I use booms that are at least 6" long. The old fashioned French booms work well, or you can get wrecking booms which are a bit more heavy duty, and should be used when you're expecting bigger fish. From the boom have a 6' to 10' flowing trace with your lure at the end. I like black worms with red tails for pollack, yellow & pink shads and paddle tails for cod, but the choice is HUGE and nearly any lure will catch fish on any given day. Carry a selection of styles and colours, they are generally cheap.
Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:32 pm
Me, I prefer a much shorter trace. I would use abut 3' and use heavy line for less tangles. I would also move my lure quickly.
It is rare that I would use a gilling trace nowadays though as I much prefer the lead head and light lure rod approach.
A great way to fish!
Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:49 am
totally old school stuff Dan, forget it. No one worth his salt uses them anymore, far too tedious and clumsy. Ask Kev if you don't believe me. You wouldn't win a rusty tin cup with that setup nowadays. Useless...

Anyway, it's all up to you, don't want to influence you...
Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:43 pm
Thanks lads I made up some thing like what you said so fingers crossed. I've never tryed gilling before so hopefully it will produce.
Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:29 pm
Shorten the length of the trace when the tide runs harder, lengthen it when the tide gets slacker.
Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:50 pm
Determined Dan wrote:Thanks lads I made up some thing like what you said so fingers crossed. I've never tryed gilling before so hopefully it will produce.
Drop to the bottom Dan. Reel up say 10 turns, pause, reel another 10, pause.....depending on your depth either reel another 10 or drop will probably have a pollack swinging at this stage anyway....make sure to set your drag. You cannot reel fast enough for pollack so try the old fogie slow retrieve and them try the speed way! If you get a pluck keep reeling....Change colour lure if you are not getting the lure one fish.....nothing like it.
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