Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:36 am
hi lads any body able to tell me how much anchor rope i would need as i just got an anchor. ill be fishing about 2 mile out off the east coast and still have to find out the depts out there. i want to start fishing the banks. havnt had too much success since i recently start boat fishing. so i want to try out further. just wondering what would be the right amount to get and the best place to get it and how much chain would i need. thanks
Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:38 am
The length of anchor line is called "Scope" by mariners. The scope of your anchor line should be 5 to 7 times the depth of water that you're anchored in. It should never be less than 3 times the depth. In other words if you usually anchor where the water is 20 feet deep you should have a MINIMUM of 100 feet of line.
Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:48 am
cheers mate thats great to know. now its just looking for the best place to get it at a good price. thanks....
Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:29 am
lots of Chandlery Shops around, some even with online facilities, just take your pick: ... handleriesbtw, make sure you buy some anchor chain and shackles as rope alone wont do.
Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:07 pm
What boat have you got ? what type and weight of anchor have you got ?
and do you intend to pull the anchor with the Alderney buoy method or just muscle power ?
No guarantee if you go out further and deeper that you will catch more fish.
Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:55 pm
Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:20 pm
thanks lads thats great. i have a 19ft 2 birth cabin cruiser and im using an 8kg anchor, would that hold for me or do i need bigger. and i know ur not garunteed more fish the further u go out, but i have a couple of marks which i wanted to try. which i tink drop to 50 foot or so. il have to take a trip out with the fish finder and check it out for myself. thanks for the info lads cheers
Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:32 pm
8 kg should be fine and get about 20 ft of chain but if you are using alderney buoy method to pull anchor the chain has to weigh more than the anchor to hold it up to the buoy. Only kiddin about going out further not a guarantee to catch fish.
The more investigating you do the more marks you will find good luck in the search.
Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:38 pm
but u are right in a way about going out further. u have to know were to find the marks. and there is marks close in, i just have to get out there and find them. and cheers man i think i need a bit more chain, iv about 9ft of chain and its about half the weight of the anchor. i have to get the ball rolling coz im mad to get out and do a bit.....
thanks pal
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