Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:37 pm
(Jim this ones for you)
This should be posted on the Reports page but I dont have all the information to hand yet so I'll just put a taster of what I will have shortly. 12 of us fished last Sat 9th & Sun 10th July out of Cobh. We had 14 different species which included a speciem Red Gurnard weighing in at 2lb 6oz (which was returned alive after photos and measurments were taken), Conger to 21.5lb, the biggest Haddock I've ever seen plus plenty more. Jim I wish I had that fishing up here in Dublin, the only problem then would be getting away from the other half. I will post a full report shortly.
Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:10 am
I take it ye had a good weekend! I was on the water on Sunday, not fishing I was in our little RIB driving around. I saw donie geary's boat off ballyshane (east) .I stopped off at a couple of charters to see if I could track ye down!. I take it the red was off the Lings? We had a couple of specimen reds last month. We take the fillets before sending the body to Dublin. No Sense in wasting good fish! Don't they fight well on light gear! the haddock are only around with two years. Before that they were a rare capture. Ye were haunted with the weather. That said, the drift was non existent at times. Looking forward to your report.
Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:32 pm
Yeh got the Reds off the Lings on Brian Byrne's Lagosta II on Saturday, I was aboard Donie Gearys boat on Sunday and as you said there was very little of a run which made gilling next to impossible. We hit 10 Conger in the last hour and a quarter off a wreck close to where you would have seen us. We also came across a broken down jetski with 2 people on board as we were heading back to Cobh (about 1730hrs), they had left from a beach down east but ran out of petrol. We were able to flag down a smaller boat with an outboard and got them to help them out. They were lucky it was so calm as god knows where they would have ended up. Hope to have the report in the next few days.
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