Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:34 pm
fishing today in strangford lough when i saw a wake with spray being thrown up behind it about 200 yards away. since the fishing was slow i motored over for a look, it turned out to be a 9inch bouy (orange with B40 painted on it) about 1 foot below the surface and moving at about 5 knots AGAINST the 4knot current i follwed it (about 10 yards away) for nearly 1/4 mile and it just kept on going!!! i was in about 130 feet water and there were no other boats in sight.
any one know what it was?
Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:47 pm
Guessing a bit here, but knowing how weird the tides are in Strangford, what do you figure the chances were it was some type of bottom gear - like a train of pots or a net, getting dragged by a subsurface current that was flowing in the opposite direction to the curent on the surface? Why didn't you try to grab it or at least follow it? Was it heading in to land or out to sea? Now we'll all be left wondering! :(
Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:02 pm
it was heading out of the lough. there was no way that i was grabbing it! the way it was going it would have pulled me in. as for opposing currents i do not think so, if it was for example a pot it would have had to been going at over 9knots!! the strange thing was it was going dead straight most living things especially if there is a boat near tend to swerve about. that leaves a submarine! in strangford! where the hell could it have been? why? the deep water channel is neither very long or very wide and does not "go" any where.
Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:58 pm
Long shot here but could it have been a whale that escaped the japs somewhere?
I certainly dont think it would be a sub in strangford lough, would surely have to surface in the lough for safety reasons.
Incredably strange, must have freaked you out.
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