Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:35 pm
Im going out sea angling tomorrow and im told that giant hockais are excellent? But what for and how would I rig the up for sea angling??
Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:48 pm
Hi MarkJ
I;ve used them, three at a time, off a beachcaster spinning for pollack and they do the business, mind you a double shot of big pollack on them is a serious challenge! The only complaint I have with them is that the 6/0 hook can be a bit big for some fish to swallow, especially non pollack. I lost a superb John Dory a couple of years ago off the hook beside the boat off Clare Island whereas if it had been a smaller hook... well...
Excellent lures, do the business on the drift or spinning but watch the hook size...
Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:36 pm
Ive noticed these guys from england before using them, fishing them with a large pirk and baited with mackerel fished on the bottom, they got ling, conger and dogs!!
Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:59 am
Yeah, Jumbo's as they're known. I've used them as markj describes, in a killer rig over a wreck.
But to be honest, you're probably better off with the smaller hokkais.
Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:27 pm
If you don't like the hooks on the Hookais, there was an excellent tip
from Steve Souter in the Sea Angler recently. Cut the Hookai from the snood and keep the bead and head. Then snip the hook on the shank
just before the bend. Tie on your preferred hook to your preferred snood, then slide on a piece of silicon tubing. Take the snipped off hookai shank and slide in into the sleeve, followed by the head and bead. I've done it
with a load of gears with small and large hooks. I have to admit I haven't used them yet but they look the business and I am confident with the knots,line strengths and hook patterns. You can also bait up properly with bulkier baits. I'll be using them over the next three weeks and will report back.
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