Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:30 pm
Myself and a few fishing pals are towing two dingys up to Culdaff, for the weekend starting Friday the 1st of July. Has anybody out there got any information on marks, slipways, further contacts and what species we can expect to catch? :?
Any information will be very much appreciated :idea:
Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:50 pm
There is a slip at Culdaff pier itself, no bother launching though not too much water around at low tide, can get quite a few cars about on the pier area on nice sunny days (rare in these parts!) which can block up the slipway a bit.
Species wise, should still be some tope action in Culdaff Bay itself - can be very good if you can find them. Pollack, Coalies and ling plentiful on the wrecks and rough ground marks around Inishtrahul Island. Also July can see some Codling around and the chance of a haddock. Gurnards & doggies will no doubt put in an appearance. Flatties are over the sands if your prepared to dig a few worms and give them a try.
Culdaff is a fine spot and if the weather is good there will be other dingy anglers out there who will guide you in the right direction, if the weather is not good - there ain't a lot of shelter!
With regards to marks you could contact Des Mills who skippers the local charter boat Baracuda and he'll see you right with where to go (Believe contact details are in the charter boat section of the web site).
Tight lines and good luck.
Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:59 pm
Thanks for the info Paul, sounds mouth watering. Just got to keep my fingers and toes crossed for the right weather. 8) :D
Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:46 pm
Des is definatly your man to try,was out a few weeks ago and he knows the ground like the back of his hand, when he said to try for tope, had 2 in 20 mins,lost another!anchoring is not required here for your tope.
Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:01 pm
Took your advise Paul and Big Phil and booked the Enterprise through Desi Mills's brother John for Friday the 1 st of July, he got us sorted for accommodation as well. We won't be launching our own boats until Saturday.
Now I just have to organise the weather. :mrgreen:
Will post how we get on.
Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:24 pm
Hope you got on all right gents, as usual Donegal weather a bit fresh to say the least today (Saturday)! Did you manage to get out yesterday at least? I believe Des is getting plenty of tope from Inishtrahul sound?
Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:48 pm
Paul, We got out with Des alright on Friday, after struggling to catch some macks for bait we headed out to the wreck of a 15,000 freighter [name escapes me], north east of inistrahull, it was stuffed with pollack and coalies up to 8lb or so, with a scattering of ling up to about 10lb, shads on a flowing trace were best, changing to bait for ling over the slack water.
After Des dropped us off at Bunagee, we launched our own boats, and we fished a couple of marks Des gave us around the bay, caught plenty of pollack, coalies, gurnard and 4 or 5 small ling
Saturday was too rough to launch at Bunagee, so we spent the morning looking for a slip way with access to water sheltered from the SW gales, we ended up launching from a wee harbour on front of a caravan site SW of malin head, just a few hundred meters off here is pollack and coalfish city, the place is absolutely stuffed with them to 5lb, the bottom here is coated in kelp.
Sunday morning we launched from Bunagee, with the intention of going after tope in Culdaff bay, as the wind was still howling, however try as we might we could not catch any macks for bait, more gurnards and pollack kept us amused and after quick trip back in to get a few lugs in the wee estuary, we got 2 small wrase. Arrived home at 10pm last night, shattered but buzzing after a great weekend craic and fishing. :P 8) :D
Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:10 pm
Just forgot to add, Paul, that Des had a group of Howth anglers out for a few days a fortnight ago, and they did enjoy some exellent tope sport, and there were pictures in last weeks Derry Journal of the fish. Des is a gentleman and a dedicated skipper who worked very hard to keep us on fish while we were out with him.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:26 pm
Sounds good gents. I saw the pictures in the Derry Journal on friday - thought of sending in a few too!!!
I agree Des is a great skipper - I first fished with him on his half decker with my dad during Culdaff sea angling festival 20 years ago.
Maybe you'll get a trip up this way again next year and give the swilly a go too.
Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:35 pm
Will definitly give the swilly a go the next time we are up that way Paul, you guys seem to have great fun on it. We just have to start accumulating those brownie points again, could be a while as my lady has told me I am in arrears, now where is my tool box so i can fix that leaky tap,.,. :roll:
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