Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:27 pm
well it worked for big kev so why not !!!
anyone any hints on tope marks in sligo bay
cheers steve
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:10 pm
Hi Steve,
Have a look in the Sligo shore marks info: ... 0sligo.htm
#1 Aughris head and #3 Rosses point in particular. If they're available from the shore here then I reckon you're in with a chance from the boat.
See also Mountcharles in the Donegal Bay section.
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:14 pm
Must remember to login :roll:
Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:45 pm
thanks Adrian, rosses point was one of the places i had in mind as the channel runs out to the bouy, also channel into ballysadare bay might be a possibillity, there is a massive run of tide at both these spots, theres only one way to find out! do you tope fishermen use rubyduby or not
cheers steve
Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:39 am
Hi Steve,
Luke Scully aka "The dirty fecker" (A fourm member who seems to have gone awol) is really into his tope fishing, he has his own site with a species section, he does use rubby dubby and always uses a
fresh mackeral flapper as bait:
Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:33 pm
Hi Steve
Rubby dubby tied just above the anchor is best in strong moving tide areas, if the tide isnt a problem or a slack tide you can use a tube, check my old site for info. ... _rubby.htm
their easy to wash out and reuseable, the onion sack is best for the on rigs here ... rk_rig.htm
hasnt been updated as im working on a new one.
Female tope dont breed until around 11 years old, so give em a nice kiss and a bit of a swim at the side of the boat before you let em go :)
Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:37 pm
Hey Terry
Have you put any tope in the new boat yet?
Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:39 pm
Hi Bigkev
No tope in the new boat yet m8, ive been away the last two weekends so no fishin in the boat.
i tried the codling bank 2 weeks ago and blanked while tope were taken 5 miles inshore.i hope to get out for them this weekend and a few of the wrecks :)i was given a nice cod mark by a oldtrawler skipper but its 15 mls out :shock: so i tempted to try that first :D
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