Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:47 am
Hi all
Has anyone any guidance for boat marks to start after the shannon tope?
Its a big place.
I've got all the gear
And no idea
Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:26 pm
Hi kev, There are two good spots I know for them. First one is 300-500 m off Kiltery Pier, This pier runs vertical to the main channel and the tope are running up and down. The tide is slack water low and 1 hour up. The other spot is further down on the same side of the estuary across from Cappagh and around a mile up. Not sure of the exact name but its about 70ft of water out from the beach there. The beach is the only sandy beach you will see from Tarbert out to the mouth of the estuary. You will see Dolphins around this area, and at the back of the beach there are windmills for local power supply. Fishing just at the edge of the channel into before you get to the main shipping channel is best, same tides too as Kiltery pier mark. There are some other marks, but we have not fished them yet. The beach mark, mark no 2 is a classic tope spot, the ground is covered in sandeel there. Rob.(not guest!!) 8)
Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:35 pm
Hi Robert,
I think the sandy beach your on about is littor strand. Do you fish near the point here and how far are you from the shore?
Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:46 pm
It may be that beach alright, fish round 600-700metres from the shore, just before the drop off goes into the main shipping channel, 60-70ft of water usual, there are several smaller channels within it and they seem to hold the tope.
Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:26 pm
Cheers Rob
Will be out tomorrow and let you know how we get on
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