Tue May 24, 2005 5:13 pm
anybody have any info on this rod i heard it betst thing since sliced bread antone????im goin to america and hope to purchase one.
Tue May 24, 2005 10:39 pm
Howdy Damo,
The tidecutter is a beauty to behold! The blanks are slim, good length, the action is superb through the blank, powerful at the butt. I got the 20/30 and liked it so much I bought the 6/12 and the 12/20! I did not see them in the states, that said I was in NY.
Wed May 25, 2005 10:09 am
I bought the 20/30 Dynabraid Gold. The tidecutter is the same blank just a different colour. I've since bought the 12/20 tidecutter and am seriously considering the tidecutter uptider as my old shakespere one a bit naff.
It is a lovely rod, light and powerfull. Hard to beat the bend in it when you get a decent pollack on the dive. Definitly recomend it.
I looked for it in the states when over there with work last year (Houston) but couldn't find it at all- even showed the guy in the shop a picture and still no joy - got mine at Veals.
Tight lines
Wed May 25, 2005 10:12 am
i have my penn tidecutter just over 2 years, '12-20lb' and i have to say its and abolute joy to fish with. its not ideal for every boat situation but for the general boat work its a joy.*(gilling,feathers,shad and flat fishing) also use it off deep rock marks for wrasse which is excellent fun. i bought it from 'southend angling centre' and its save me a fortune(ireland 750euro) (england 351euro). i also got a penn 225ld with it which is a good reel to couple with the rod, but i find myself putting my 535mag with 20lb braid with the rod and find this is gives the perfect balance and it looks sharpe to. saving up for the 20-30lb next...
Wed May 25, 2005 3:53 pm
ok lads thank you all :wink:
Wed May 25, 2005 3:59 pm
hi paul forgot to mention above did you see anny penn boat rods in nyc???
Thu May 26, 2005 2:18 pm
I'll be getting one of these this weekend.
I haven't decided between the 12/20 or the 20/30.
What are the limitations of the 12/20. Could I use it on the occasional wrecking trip in fairly deep water? (Jim, I'm thinking about Courtmacsherry here for shadding) or would the 20/30 be better suited.
Thu May 26, 2005 4:22 pm
The 12/20 would be a super all rounder. I would use it on most occasions for shadding and drifting with bait, even over wrecks. I would use the 20/30 when I go to anchor or if there's a smell of a good coalie. I would say if I was going to buy one and I felt I was going to do a lot of wrecking then I would go for the 20/30 as the beef can be necessary. If I was going to do more general fishing than wrecking then I'd take my chances with the 12/20. So after all that what am I saying? Buy the 20/30, it will handle deep water and 12oz+ leads easily. You will probably end up buying a 12/20 later anyway!!!!!
Fri May 27, 2005 9:35 am
Cheers Jim, you've made up my mind. I'll go with the 12/20.
I will be using it for 90% general fishing and I like to fish as light as I can so as long as I know it won't be completely undergunned over a wreck I'm happy to give it a go, it just adds to the challenge.
By the way, is the 6/12 a nice rod? My brother has an 8lb class Daiwa rod which when we were catching decent ray last year provided him with great sport.
The lighter the better for me. Roll on Courtmacsherry.
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