Tue May 24, 2005 1:38 pm
Does anyone have any vast experience of the best wind direction to fish the Brandon side of the Pinnsula. To date we have had bad results with north westerlys and straight northerlys :? ?
Tue May 24, 2005 2:41 pm
We fish Brandon a few times each year. We would prefer anything from the south. Anything from the north exposes the atlantic, expecially northwest. We fish from Deelick to Ballydavid head. You would would expect our winds to be mainly from the southwest, then Brandon is an ideal location. That said this year so far we have had an unbeleiveable amount of northerlies, hence we've not been to Brandon yet.
Tue May 24, 2005 10:27 pm
Cheers for that Jim. We fished it last year and the wind direction seriously affected our results. Have you found that a period of unsettled westerlys/northerlys seems to ruin the chances of shoaling fish? And have you ever got Skate of Brandon head, if so what conditions did you get them in? Cheers, Rob.
Tue May 24, 2005 10:49 pm
Northerlies seem to send shoaling fish offshore. That holds for us here in Cork. In most cases not much of a problem but that's an onshore wind in Brandon! I think it makes the fishing more tough and that doesn't help catch rates. Onshore wind also colours the water somewhat.
On all occasions that we've had skate the conditions were good with light winds, no specific direction. Our fun has been spoilt on many occasions by spurs moving into the area and ravaging any bait around. Drive you mental!
Wed May 25, 2005 10:47 am
Yeah we got out to the spot back in March for them but did not get to hook any. What kind of tactics do you use off there for them. The lads from the UK were using 6lb pollock back in 2003 as bait when they did well there, is that size bait really necessary?
Wed May 25, 2005 11:34 am
Last year we went as far as using huge baits to try and get away from spurs. It didn't work.... .They weren't even big spurs! Normally we have used mackerel flappers and found them enough. We had no contact during our week last year. 2003 was a good year! We have done a bit of investigation and we have a few more areas to try this year! I suppose that's what makes this game interesting! Last year the fishing was patchy. Hopefully it was a seasonal blip. We'll see.....
Wed May 25, 2005 11:45 am
Glad to hear that, I think if we had summers like 2003 again we would never complain. Well I'll keep in touch to see how you get on. We are heading down there for a week at the end of July to go specifically after Skate so fingers crossed. In the meantime a trip to the Shannon and Bellmullet is on the cards.........
Wed May 25, 2005 1:19 pm
1st Week of August for us. We'll probably get there before then so I'll keep you informed. Looking at your boat you should consider the Cork Small boats festival at the end of Sep. a super week. Are you based up north?
Wed May 25, 2005 2:16 pm
No we are based in Dublin, but would certainly consider fishing the festival. Its the 30th of July to the 6 of August for us for Kerry actually, so might see you down there. We couldn't get a house so staying in Crutches in Stradbally as usual!, all I hope is that the slip in Brandon is clear, it was full of old boats and lobster boxes back in March, we had to use the jeep to pull some of the stuff out of the way, its one thing getting a Orkney 520 down it but now with the Quicksilver we will need a bit more room to play with!!!
Thu May 26, 2005 9:36 am
Don't mean to butt in, but apparantly dogs are a very good bait for (common) skate (According to Norman Dunlop). The skate feed on the dogs so if they are around it's a good sign, using a dog for bait is supposed to be a very good tip.
Thu May 26, 2005 10:33 am
Looks like there'll be a few anglers around that week. PhilDublin is also due that week. I feel a species hunt coming on..........
Believe me I'll try a spur this year!!!
Thu May 26, 2005 11:35 am
For my tuppence worth
I'll be fishing there from 5-12 august
Will there be any room on the slip with all these boats?
I know Jim favours anchoring and using the inflatable but I'll be forced to launch on a daily basis. Cant wait.
I feel an informal meet on the cards?
Thu May 26, 2005 12:05 pm
"but apparantly dogs are a very good bait"(Adrian) any particular breed? i've an old sheepdog if i filleted it could i use it like a flapper?
Thu May 26, 2005 12:31 pm
I have heard dogs are good alright, might try it. So it looks like a wager for the most species and best in each category will have to be sorted out lads. We have to make the week interesting after all!!!
By the way Jim PhilDublin - aka - "Chilli Squid" - is my partner in the boat so at least we can keep an eye on him, he is the man to clear that slip with the monster he drives!!
Thu May 26, 2005 4:36 pm
We'll be heading off on the Saturday 6th. More than likely getting drunk on the Fri night! You'll have to get down early on the Friday! Have you launched there before?
Thought you guys had an Orkney? Is this a new departure? She's a fine looking vessel.
Thu May 26, 2005 4:59 pm
Yeah we upgraded at the start of the month and she had her maiden voyage out of Kilrush in the Shannon three weeks ago, A Quicksilver 560 (2002) 75HP 4 Stroke, some difference to the Orkney have to say... We were considering a 175 like your own but there was no good second hand ones around that suited us. The cabin is a a gift and she is well able for the big sea which I could not say about the Orkney which always struggled even in the smallest chop!!. Hopefully we can pull a nice Skate on board now to christen her. Don't think we will be keeping up with you however she is doing around 26-27knots at the mo flat out, considering upgrading the prop to get a few more knots out of her. What sort of speed are you doing with that monster engine on the back of yours!!
Fri May 27, 2005 8:59 am
Hi Jim
Haven't launched there before but have seen the slip on numerous occasions as I tend to fish around that shoreline for most of the summer. I think an early launch is the order of the day here, as its a serious tourist trap.
My boat goes to Kilrush in the morning for its summer berth. How was the fishing.My first trip sunday-hooray
I nearly bought an orkney 520, I thought they had a good reputation?
Fri May 27, 2005 9:23 am
We have a max of 30-32knots. We cruise @ 20-25. That's with a 90 4S. Most buying 175s are generally going for 75-115hp. The hull will not go any faster with a 115. It will do the same speed with a 75 , but weight is then a factor. The 90 is ideal as it will drive the boat at max regardless of the weight on board. As you well know the amount of times that you can blast around at full are few and far between so methinks your top speed is fine!
Generally the launch is fine. Best to reverse from the "main" road down to the slip. I find the trick is to be slow & steady. The slip can be very green around low water. A buddy of mine used a mooring for the week a couple of years ago. The locals will advise if one is free.
Fri May 27, 2005 10:16 am
Hi Kev,
Yeah the fishing out of the Shannon was not as good as we had anticipated. We had plenty of Ray, Conger and Dogs from Moneypoint as usual but our Tope marks and Huss marks failed to produce. We put the bad results down to the strong easterlys which always seem to ruin the fishing down there. We got out around loop head and again the usual shoals of Coailes and Codling we have got in previous years were few and far between. I know that June however is a better time to fish it down there, the tope will be in and plenty of ray around Poulnasherry bay, watch out for the sand banks though!!,
The 520 issue: No, we had not built up any confidnence in the boat as it was fine for calm conditions but as soon as any kind of chop got up we were taking out our rosary beeds and saying Hail Marys until we returned to shore, also we found you cannot reverse a 520 at any speed as you will be swamped with water, and the 520 is not a self draining boat!!
Brandon slip: Good news lads is my self and Phil were back there in March and they had limed the slip again so no slippin and a sliddin!
Hopefully it will be enough, but your right not to many times around our windy Isle that we have the opportunity to floor it!!
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