Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:16 pm
Jim from Cork
My apologies but late the other night I "listened in" to a conversation you were having on the chat line, back in the dark days this week. Did I really read someone had fished from a helicopter (and caught mackerel!!) :shock: . Had I been drinking- or had everyone else been at the bottle? Am I going mad or just misunderstood what was going on? What sort of cast - hope it wasn't a full overhead thump :o
Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:33 pm
was talking to jim that night myself ,think his mate caught 4 mackerel while hovering ,only landed one and scared the crap out of three others :lol: sounds like a good way to get to those ackward shore marks .
Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:01 pm
Yes Tim you read right.
That guy is both angler and helicopter pilot (methinks he's not sure which is his real job!!!!)
Curse to have to stop reeling to correct the hover!!
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