Aquastar 38'. Perkins Sabre 350 HP
Skipper: John O'Connor
Licence: 785 Expires: 13 March 05
Notes:Sails from Dunmore East. Wreck, Reef & Shark Angling, Diving, Scenic & evening trips, Rod hire & tackel sales, Tuition free. Bass, Coalfish, Cod, Conger, Dab, Flounder, Garfish, Gurnards, Haddock, Ling, Pollack, Pouting, Scad, Blue Shark, Ballan Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse and many more. This part of the Irish Coast has a large number of wrecks which are within an hour of Dunmore East.
Address: Dunmore East Angling Centre, Pelorus, Fairy Bush, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.
Telephone: +353 51 383397 or +353 87 2682794 Fax: +353 51 383397