Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:49 pm
Hi All,
I'm in the process of buying a small boat and was wondering does anyone have any ideas where you could keep it?
any ideas greatly appreciated.....
Thanks Paddy
Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:03 am
The best place of all is at home as it gives you the chance to keep an eye on her and also do a bit of work on her now that the bright evenings are coming in, this option though is not available to everyone. I note from your info that you are in Dublin, do you know anyone in North County Dublin (Rush/Lusk/Skerries areas) who might have a bit of land attached and would be willing to let you park her for a small fee?
The problem with leaving the boat any distance from your home is that in order to go for a days fishing you have to first travel to pick up the boat before then heading off to launch. If you plan on fishing North Dublin then the areas mentioned above would in fact then be handy, if you want to fish Bray/Greystones etc. then look for a place in North Wicklow.
Its not going to be easy finding a place at the right price but good luck with your task.
Tue May 03, 2005 1:30 pm
Did you find a spot to put your boat?
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