Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:35 pm
Sorry if this is a well worn topic!
I fish a bit over a nice patch of deepish water in Cork. Its flattie central which is actually causing me a problem. I want to hit the plaice with a bit more regularity and was wondering if there is any way to keep the dabs off the bait for a second or two? Are there baits I should favour etc.
Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:34 am
Hi Blaker
Best option is to increase hook size and bait sizes to well beyond that which a dab can normally accommodate (granted they are greedy buggers and not easily put off).... always find plaice will only tackle worm baits whereas dabs will take anything going. You can underestimate a plaice's gape - its big!
Not sure what I can add to this...
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