New York

Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:01 pm

Heading for New York for a long weekend. Anybody know of locations for some tackle dealers?

new york

Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:21 am


Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:41 am


I would second urban angler but the shop itself is more expensive than other outfits owing to the city centre location. If you have time visit the shops on the Jersey coast even Hoboken is cheaper, but stay away from Atlantic City. One option would be to buy online and have the kit delivered to your address while you are in NY. You would of course have to declare the items when bringing them back here if they exceed a certain limit (I think around € 100) but it saves you on the shipping. The only minor issue might be whether they will accept a credit card issued here for purchases to be delivered in the USA, but I've sent presents this way...


BTW, you can buy 1500 metre spools of powerpro at various strengths for a fraction of the cost here, and I mean fraction, and flourocarbon and and....



Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:52 am

hi there is a huge shop in nyc called wallmart they do everything to do with fishing and everyting else not to do with fishing my uncle was over there a while ago bought a penn boat rod and reel for 110 dollors and a penn 525mag for 85 dollars

Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:43 pm

Hi Jim,
I got stuff in the past from the Bass Pro Shop and they did accept a visa card from here and delivered it to a US address for free. Things are seriously cheap over there now especially with the exchange rate.
Bring plenty dollars, loads of stuff to tempt you!