Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:10 pm
I am looking for moulds for pirks and lead heads any shops in Ireland stock them or will i need to go to uk.
Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:29 pm
Hi Angus, let me know the exact type of mould you are after and I'll see if I can get you it. Don't want to give away source of my supplier !! :wink:
Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:28 pm
Hi Conor I am looking for a something like a torsk or herring shape mould also a 3 sided Norway mould if you can help it would be great
Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:11 am
Hi Angus, I can get you the herring mould. I'll get the price for you tonight - PM me your home address and if it suits I can order it and have it posted directly to you by the supplier , that'll save you paying for postage twice !
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:14 am
Hi Angus,
Just a few tips on searching for Moulds:
Mould is spelled mold in the US so if you were searching the web it would explain why you weren't getting hits from the US.
Do-IT molds seem to be the biggest manufacturers in the US, the link below has a large selection and will ship internationally, Lead head jig moulds cost around $28 (this seems to be cheaper than the RRP), I've seen the same Lead head jig moulds on a UK site for £34.
Large selection: ... =doitmolds
Smaller selection but slightly cheaper:
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:40 am
Watch out for the tax though. I've bought moulds/molds in from the US and by the time your carriage and tax is added it works out better to buy from a supplier over here.
There are a number of Do-It stockists a lot closer to home.
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