How's things Bazz,
"Jul 15- 17 3rd Annual Ring Sea Fishing Festival, Ring, Clonakilty.
Sea Angling Competition on Saturday & Sunday, with optional Training session on Friday. Entry is approx €100 per boat. Great fishing & craic over 3 days and nights. There is a reduction in charter boat prices for this event from Kinsale Nets - BOOK NOW!
Tom Tanner 087-7766510 or Email:"
Got this from:
I paid a visit last year as there were a few guys I know fishing. There would be a couple of things I would check out:
It would appear that the two days were treated as individual days from a competition point of view hence there was no topping up of species on day 2. I got the impression that fish that were not on the "list" didn't count.
Other than that have a good one!