Wed Jan 26, 2005 12:57 pm
Hi All,
I think this may have been covered before , but I cant find the post. I spin leadheads from boats using a Shimano 4000 Slade spinning reel, and a 6ft 6in uglistick spinning rod. To date I've used 10lb mono, which is grand for what I do, but, would there be any benefit of changing to braid ?
I'm thinking thinner line, further casts etc.
If there are benefits, can any of you recommend a brand ?
Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:11 pm
Howya Conor,
I use Ron Thompson Dynacable 18lb and it's super. Casts longer and more fun all round.
Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:53 pm
Cheers Jim. Will give it a go. I'm more interested in seeing what the difference is. Pretty much a curiosity thing, no real reason for switching as the mono does the job. I've read so many reports about braid vs mono that I want to see for myself what the craic is all about. Hopefully it's for the better !
Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:20 pm
12 lb Powerpro... looks like its not there!
The one thing to remember with braid when spinning is to brake the drum with your thumb, rather than directly onto the line... a lesson you learn the hard way only once! :? I have switched with a 10 foot spinning rod for jack pike and find the extra sensitivity useful and the extra distance very useful on the shallow lake shores around here... its gets you into the fish's range.
Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:51 pm
Cheers folks. Never thought of using it for the pike Kieran. Cheers. Will get a couple or reels loaded up for piking and give it a go before I get out on the boat for the pollock.
Ta again,
Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:39 pm
Hi Conor,
I use braid for pike and spinning for Bass. There is a lot to be gained but it takes a bit of getting used to. One of the immediate benifits is that you can fish a higher breaking strain for the same or smaller diameter than mono. 20lb power pro is like thread and casts like a dream. You can cast lighter lures further and if you hit a snag you have a bit more leverage.
A lot of people talk about tangles when using braid. This is something that can happen when the braid is new but once your over a session or two this should not happen at all,but still does to a few. The reason for this is in the cast. Some people tend to "snap" out their lure and the braid tends come come off the spool quicker that the lure is dragging it and it tangles. A little like a birds nest on the beach but far more difficult to untangle. This stuff really digs in. I've had one friend that this used to happen to all the time and after a couple of spools of braid he just stopped using the stuff. This guy was a bloody good angler, he just didn't get on with the stuff.
They way around this is to use a smooth casting style and leave about 2 to 3 feet of line from the top ring to your lure for casting. Try to cast with a smooth accelleration of the lure rather that a flick or snap.
Braid can be weird.... I mean it can feel funny at first. This is because it has virtually no streach so if you bump the bottom or a bit of weed it can feel like a take at first. After a while you will be able to tell what you have bumped and it can help with your fishing as you will know where the weed is and all that. Another thing with having no streach is that you feel every shake of the fishes head and every turn which in my opinion adds to the experience.
Go for it....... you wont look back.
Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:07 pm
Cheers Kev for taking the time to reply. I'll let you know how I get on !
Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:46 am
Jim, Kieran and Kev,
I've done a search based on your advice and come up with the following site ... raids.html
PowerPro Braided Micro Filament Superline - 300yds 1
- Line Strength ( = Mono Equivalent Diameter): 20lb test ( = 6lb mono diameter )
The powerpro line you mentioned Kieran and Kev - the 20lb has a 6lb mono equivalent (see above), which sounds great. Is this what I should be aiming for, or is there a better braid on this link? What do you reckon on the price considering that it is for 300m - £28 sterling ?
Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:04 pm
That's the stuff alright. I know it sounds expensive but it doesn't loose quality like Mono. You get years out of it. I'm still fishing the 30lb power pro I loaded 4 years ago and I will be using it again this year.
Good luck,
Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:28 pm
Talk to Adam Guillory of
$18.85 for 300m 20lb.
Fast shipping and a great guy to deal with.
Its a no brainer
(PS. Tell him I (John Killeen) recommended him to you - he'll give you a couple of dollars off aswell!!!!)
Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:46 pm
Cheers lads. Looking forward to seeing the difference,
Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:16 am
I loaded 24lb braid onto my baitcaster on Friday, went Piking on saturday. First cast with a new plug and the braid broke off !! It didnt come to a dead stop as I had the reel set properly for casting plugs, it didn't so much snap as just tear. I tied on a 1oz leadhead to see how they would cast, and the exact same thing happened. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ? Or have a just got a bad spool of braid ?
On top of that, I didnt even turn a fish and my feet were freezing !
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:03 am
Sounds like the knots are at fault here. Standard blood knots etc are no good on braid, as I too have found to my cost. What knot did you use? Because braid has no stretch there is no tightening (strangling) to the knot.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:37 am
Hi Kev, the line didnt snap at the knot, it snapped at the reel, but it wasn't bedded in and didn't come to a sudden halt, it just seemed to tear .
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:48 am
.... what sort of knot should I be using to tie on leadheads ?
Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:53 am
I have never heard of this happening. I think you might have a bad spool.
Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:03 pm
cheers MAC. I tried breaking it myself to see if it was rubbish braid, but I couldn't. It appears there may be weak spots in the braid. I can see no other reason for it breaking. glad I was only testing it out - wouldn't have liked to lose a decent fish due to rubbish line.
I think I'll switch back to mono !!
Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:11 pm
Sorry to hear about the braid Conor.
I have to say I have a few spools of Power Pro and never had this happen.
As for knots the Palomar knot is the best:
Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:19 am
Maybe you should check your rings - braid is prone to abraison - a sharp corner could cause the braid to abraid and tear.
Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:02 pm
Hi lads,
I'm interested in using braid for spinning too but I just can't cast with a multiplier reel :cry:. Dose anyone know if it would be any use on a fixed spool?
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