Uptiding Rod and Reel?????

Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:07 pm

Well Lads,
I am wondering if anyone recommend or give me advice on buying a Uptiding Rod and Reel?

Reels and rods

Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:59 am

I have an ABU Suveran Uptider 4-8 oz coupled with an ABU 7000 C3 CT. This reel is no longer in production and is the version of the 7000 with no levelwind. This makes and excellent combo. As for the other 7000 reels, there are loads. I also have the 7000 C4 LD but use this on one of my downtiders. All 7000 reels cast well with very little nesting. The one i would recomend would be the 7000 C Synchro which is absoloutely excellent. I wrote a review of this in the tackle section of this forum. This reel is used by a buddy of mine and its drag is controlled by the power handle itself by winding backwards to engage. To tighten the drag you just start reeling in again. Bloody ingenious! I was so impressed with it when i went for a light 8 lb set up i got the smaller 6500 version to acompany it. The only reason I have not got the 7000 version for myself is I already have 2 7000 reels and a third would be pointless coupled with my two 6500's I and several others (Penn, Daiwa and Masterline) i already have reels coming out of my ears! :roll:

ABU uptide rods also have a retractable butt used for casting that allows to shorten the butt while fishing. This is excellent. especially when fishing from a dinghy when space is always an issue. There are new versions of the Suveran and Esprit out this year that are as above but are also a three piece... this allows you to use the rod as an uptider (three pieces) and as a 7'6" downtider (two pieces) making this rod very versatile indeed :shock:

Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:27 pm

Shakespear Ariel Uptide has been with me now for 4 Years... It never part with it, Doubles as a great wee Pier Rod, Teamed up with a 6500 Abu...

Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:34 pm

The Dirty Fecker,
Have you tried/or heard anything about the 7001 ( Left Handed )?
How much would the Abu setup cost?

I have a Shakespeare ulgy stik boat rod and am quiet impressed with it, have'nt seen the Ariel. How much would your setup cost?

Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:14 am


As I say the Aeriel has been with me for 4 years, Not sure if they're even still making them, But the Reel is a Wee Abu Syncro, which would go for about £60 - £70, and the Rod Costed me £70. Cheap and Cheerful.

Rods and Reels

Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:28 am

Well ABU gear has never been the cheapest but then again you do get what you pay for... Whatever the debate about rods, the 7000 is a clasic and will last a lifetime of excellent service if washed under a tap after each outing. They cast well and will handle anything the Irish sea will throw at you execept perhaps Skate and Tuna! They are powerful enough to handle good fish while not being winches that are completely overpowered like many American reels on the market like the Penn Senators or The Mitchell Riptide etc. Far too big for whats needed in the Eastern Atlantic. :roll: They cast well and you get a 'true pleasure to use' feeling from them. They will set you back about £100 from the Devon Angling centre or Veals. If you choose to go for the 7000 Synchro it will cost you about £123 from Veals. You could tone down the rod and go for the 'Esprit' 4-8 oz which still has the extendable butt section and comes in 3 pieces for use as a light downtider also. This will cost you about £73 from the Devon Angling Centre but the postage can be a killer on rods. If you choose to go for the two piece version you can get it for the same price from Veals but the Postage is a lot better. I would recomend these rods due to their butt sections alone. Uptiders can be very unweildly on a small boat especially with their long casting butt handles. This retractable section really does make a big difference and I personally would not go near a 'conventional' uptide rod after using the Suveran. :D

As I say, ABU gear is good quality stuff and is not for those restrained by a budget. There are cheaper alternatives out there but whatever you choose for a rod, my advice is to get an ABU 7000, penn 535GS or a Daiwa Slosh 20. Crappy reels are a waste of money and if you are serious about your fishing you will make your way round to one eventually. Crappy reels go in the bin or are left on the shelf in favour of using the new one... Don't waste your money :wink:

7001 ABU Reel

Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:32 pm

The ABU 7001 is your basic red 7000 but for the left handed user. Bush bearings and levelwind. A clasic reel robust as they come. Excellent uptide reel. Bar perhaps some would argue, the Shimano Calcutta range, ABU 7000's are the best family of uptiders out there on the market. They have been around with little change since the 60's and proven their reliability. New reels worth looking at also are the Penn 535GS and Daiwa slosh 20 or Slosh 30. Everyone has their own taste. The 7000 C3CT is my personal favorite reel.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:49 am

Cheers for the info lads.
I have settled on an Abu Suveran 4-8oz ( Hopefully I will order this week )
Still not sure about a reel, will be looking for a left hand one.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:24 am

Go for the Abu....
Trust me.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:20 pm

Decided to go with the complete Abu kit ( Suveran 9'6 and 7001 )
Ordered from veals today, although they did'nt have the Suveran in stock, they have ordered one and will ship to me as soon as it arrives.

Cheers for the info lads

Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:28 pm

Got the Rod and Reel today.
Just wondering if there is much work involved in tuning the 7001.

ABU 7001

Mon Mar 14, 2005 3:00 am

Plain and simple. Remove bearings oil them with the oil that came with the reel and replace. Use two big break blocks and wind the line on in the same way as the 6500 before slipping the line through the levelwind and completing the spool. Apply copper grease to the levelwind worm gear and away you go... :wink: