Where to go fishing????

Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:08 pm

Myself and two mates want to go boat fishing. Where should we go and how much roughly does it cost? (We are based in Dublin)


toe in water

Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:46 pm

Hi Dobermann

Are you experienced boat anglers or just looking to try it out?

I would estimate 50 Euro a head on any boat fishing around the South East and would recommend any of the skippers operating out of Kilmore Quay - where the fishing is only 15 minutes offshore, no reason other than that. Try the list of boat charters on the front page of the website.

If you want to try something a little more testing, then you need to head west or south west or you can head north up to Ballycastle in Antrim...


Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:34 pm

Thanks Kieran,

We are just trying it out, Can you keep any of your catch to eat?
Do the Charters supply all your gear?
How long are you usually out in the boat?
Sorry for all the Questions :)

Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:45 pm

Just stumbled upon this question so in Kierans absence ............

Most trips are from around 9:00a.m. to about 5:00p.m., though some skippers arrange half-day trips. I don't know Kilmore Quay at all, but if it is so close to the fishing grounds they may very well arrange half day trips.

Many skippers go on short 'mackerel-bashing' short trips juring the school summer holidays. Although I frown on these trips as generally a lot of fish are needlessly killed, it is an effective method of introducing many a child to the sport.

Almost all skippers rent gear and will advise on technique. Some are better than others and indeed, some gear for hire is better than others! Locals will advise.

Generally you can bring home the supper without problem.

January isn't the best month of the year to 'try out' boat angling for at least two reasons:

firstly - it is often a bit rougher, colder, and wetter than other months,


secondly - there aren't as many fish around.

Anyway, I'm sure Kieran and others will advise as well.

Good luck & tight lines.

Boat fishing

Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:51 am


We use the charter boats in Kilmore Quay quite a bit each year (around 10 trips by 2 boats), they normally start their outings from March until around October weather permitting. During the summer season with good daylight hours they often run 2 trips a day. Most saturdays are pre booked from the previous year by either clubs or groups of anglers from home or abroad but quite often there are the odd spots available for 2 or 3 people and they are more than happy to try and fit you in. The best time to get available boats though is mid week but you would need a group to cut down on the costs. A call to one of the skippers down there would give you a feel for what's needed in order to get out for a trip. If you can manage to get aboard with a group of anglers you would have a chance of catching some of the following species:- Ballen Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse, Pollack, Cod, Pouting, Ling etc. All the boats are to a high standard and likewise the skippers know the ground well.