Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:46 pm
Heard from a very reliable source that new regulation will be introduced January 1st which will have the effect of stopping the landing of blue fin tuna for commercial sale at all Irish ports. Not sure whether tag and release will still be an option... anyone heard any other whispers about this?
Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:49 pm
I saw the programme on BBC2 last week, which interviewed the skipper of the Rosguill (I think), and he suggested that no commercial landings should be an option. (I believe he landed his first but none since)
This will not stop the Spanish/French trawlers from stealing these majestic fish and bringing them home.
Even if a ban were to be introduced, you must enforce it, Lo and Behold, we dont have the resources. Sound familiar?
Just my thoughts
Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:54 pm
Well, bu**er me!
About a year ago I wrote to the Minister, complaining about those commercial taking of BF Tuna. I even got a few concerned anglers over here in England to join in, letters copied to the Tourism & Sports Minister.
Heh heh heh, I even persuaded the IGFA in America to send a letter. They did too, top blokes that they are.
Be very interesting to see what, if anything, happens. All I ever heard from them was a bog-standard letter from some underling acknowleding my letter and assurances my concerns would be put before the Minister. But it goes to show, sometimes you might be able to make a difference.......
Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:04 pm
Has anyone asked Adrian what he thinks?
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