Fishing holiday?

Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:59 pm

Hi guys
Was thinking about going on a fishing holiday around April 2005, not sure where to go, there is possibly three or more of us going. We are hoping to do about a weeks good fishing, without it costing a fortune! Any ideas?

Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:27 pm


You gotta be a bit more specific: whereabouts you thinking of, ie Ireland only or worldwide?

Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:27 pm

i go out with john quinlan very often in kerry and i find him great. he puts u over fish is pleasant to spend a day fishing with and even will go for a few pints in the evening to mull over the days sport. what more can you ask for. he does an all in package for a week for about €515 including accomodadtion, breakfast lunch and dinner plus a weeks guiding.

Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:54 pm

Oh yeah i forgot to mention it was outside Ireland i was hoping to holiday. :oops: Maybe somewhere sunny!

Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:32 pm

that knocks kerry on the head then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why dont u look at some of those fishing progs on home and leisure they are always off on exotic locations!

Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:38 pm

Yeah I might try that. Thanks. I wouldn't knock Kerry on the head just yet. That sounds good. Do you need your own boat for that trip? Where in Kerry?

Fishing Holidays

Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:57 pm

Howya Neville,

I take it it's a quiet night at the office!!!!!!!!!!

Gambia sounds nice. They tell me the fishing is good there as well....!


fishing holidays

Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:13 pm

Hi Neville - I just got back from Mexico and managed to get out on the water a few times. Great country, great fishing and great weather - if you want loads more info check out Mike Thrussel's "World of Sea Fishing" - he has been there and written extensively about it.
While it's a cheap place to live and the fishing is cheap, getting there is not, so it might be out of bounds for a week - that's pretty short. Closer to home I've seen a lot of internet sites about fishing on the Canary islands and that might be worth looking into - a cheap package, sunshine and a deal with a local skipper could be the job.


Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:28 pm

this is the type of thing I've seen on the net:

Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:45 pm

woolloomoolloo finger wharf - sydney Oz - box of tooheys new - bag of prawns - brim and grunter galore.

phi phi lei - thailand (where "the beach" was filmed)- king mackerel fishing on a long boat traditional style - fantastic !!

botany bay - yellow fin and marlin on the "billfisher" charter with Ross Hunter.

cairns Oz - on the pier for hammerhead shark, grunter, brim and flat head, or on a charter for GTs in the mangroves.

Or Tory Island with Pat Robinson !!

I could go on, but I'm getting itchy feet !

Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 am

Norway, for huuuuuuuuuuumongous cods. Not cheap. Expensive in fact, but for a chance at a 50lb cod..... (Of course, I had to be perverse and catch the itsyiest, bitsyiest teeniest weeniest wee cod ever seen. Musta been all of 5 inches long). Martin's World Travle in the UK will sort you.

Kenya, for big game fish. Malindi and the Kingfisher crew are your men for that lark.

Namibia, for great value. Not just big sharks, loads of other species from the boat as well. Steve McGuire at MolaMolaUK is THE guy to speak to.

Pat Robinson and Tory is always worth considering!

Or, how about you jump in your cars and ferry across Cork-Swansea and head for the South and South West Coast of England. Loads of great fishing. April's wrecking time of year: big double figure pollock and cods. I can put you in touch with a guy in Lymington that doesn't need to advertise he's so good. All the other top skippers learned from him....

Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:32 am

Gambia.... nice one Jim. Gambia is fairly cheap to get to and a cheap place to fish. There is plenty of fishing off the shore all over the place. Your best man to chat to is John Prescot of Contryman Angling in Naas (I think) He's been there a rake of times and finds a new places to fish every year. He normally organises a trip there every year as well.

Namibia... one close to my heart. I haven't been but would love to go. Steve McGuire is your man. Excellent value and he'll sort out everything for you. Best sport is Feburary and March and the weather should be alright as well.

Mexico is nice but I found the boat charters expensive. I didn't do too much looking though so maybe there's some value to be had there. A great place to go if you have a family to take on Holiday as well.

As the lads mentioned, there are lots more places out there as well. Your only limitation is your wallet. :shock:



Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:48 pm

If you are heading to Mexico or the Caribbean...

Fly into Cozumel aka Cancun and then head south to Belize. Check out the resolt Azter remains at Tulum on teh way - only remains beside the sea - spectacular. Belize is an old english speaking colony, (full of drugs but you can avoid that by not being stupid and taking taxi everywhere in the capital) with superb fishing. Locals not to be messed with - machetes!

Long time ago but we stayed on Caye Caulker which has retained it old ways, (three streets called front back and middle, no cars allowed) with a bar at the "cut" caused by a hurrican in 1971. The bigger Caye has become very american including the names (international sea anglers drive - pass the bucket please).

You can fish from the bar on the Cut at Caye Caulker (getting the picture here) for everything including big barracuda that ambush the returning snappers and other fish. Very cheap, ind you that was a long time ago. You could have lobster for breakfast dinner and tea... and Guinness! Speedboat ferries depart every fre hours from the capital and all the other islands. Fierce current and great fun. Loads of mangrove to explore on a small boat and the local rastas will bring you out to try for the kingfish, wahoo, big rays and sharks on the far side of the reef. Very big into eco-tourism and massive scuba diving centres springing up along the reef (second largest in the world next to the Great Barrier in Oz).

Failing this, try the Bay Islands in Honduras, also English speaking, but can only be accessed from La Ceibe Airport on the mainland (10 minutes) itself a few hours drive from San Pedro Sula (very dangerous spot) or an hour by plane from the capital Tegucigalpa. Fantastic beers in Honduras thanks to some German immigrants - main one is called "salva vida" and lifes up to its name. Very nice rums too - makes me wonder why I left!

Re: Fishing Holidays

Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:21 pm

Jim from Cork wrote:Howya Neville,

I take it it's a quiet night at the office!!!!!!!!!!

Gambia sounds nice. They tell me the fishing is good there as well....!


I've never been to Gambia, but the guy who arranged my recent Canada trip does the Gambia as well. It must be good as he is always out there.


Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:22 pm

Shorts and t shirts fishing has to be the order of the day especially so if you are game fishing. I have seen notices here for Gambia, Mexico, Florida and Namibia, but having fished all those areas and many more. I can recommend thoroughly Hemmingways in the Pemba Channel. Kenya. Have a look at their web site for full details. It gives you almost a guarantee of catching sailies in quantity, the old marlin, plus many other large game fish. After fishing, a cold beer whilst looking out to the Indian Ocean is hard to beat. You also have on your doorstep all that Africa has to offer in game safaris. Here you wont be ripped off, you will catch fish and the experience is fabulous. I have fished this coast line in all countries South of here. (In fact as far south as Cape Town). Pemba Channel has to be the best.

Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:08 pm

I fished aboard the Blue Marlin 3 about 3 years ago.
The owner was an American that fisrst moved to Limerick and used to sell sweets from a trolley at all the fairs.He then moved to the Canaries.
Very nice man to talk to, also the 2 lads that formed the crew on his boat knew there fishing. Although I blanked but I had the pleasure of a 2.5 hour fight with something that that was determined to reach Africa. After the 2.5 hour fight and about 30 Euro's of water the line snapped
But the girlfriend caught her first fish, a 15lb Eagle Ray.

I had a great time out on this boat and would recommend it to anyone that was looking to fish in the Area.[/quote]


Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:30 pm

Just came across your request though perhaps you have already booked something already.
If not I recommend Hemingways Kenya - not cheap but everything about it is fantastic, the boats, crews, hotel staff have all been brilliant. The weather and a safari we did also great.
The number of people who come back year after year is unbelievable.
3 south africans had a triple grand slam earlier this week, sailfish, marlin and swordfish each on an overnight trip - one hell of a night!
I'll be back next year and can't wait - will get the black marlin that got off this time..!
see their website

Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:42 pm

Well lads
thanks for all the replys, and yes i have booked a holiday already, but not the one i planned. Once there was a holiday mentioned, she who has to be obeyed got involved ( i'm sure ye all know this feeling) So there was a compramise and now we are going to Croatia together. :cry: At least i will get a few days fishing over there and i heard it isn't bad either.
Thanks again lads.

Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:43 pm

ha ha ya big girls blouse