Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:48 pm
Has anybody a quick way of doing this?
When I load mine I always use a mono backing as 300 yards of braid is lost on most spools and therefore it needs the backing. However, how do people judge when to stop loading the mono so that when you attach the braid and load it you are sure that you will fill the spool to say a couple of mm of the edge of the spool?
At the moment I use spare reels. I load the reel I want to put braid onto with braid first. When the braid is fully on I then attach the mono and load the reel out to the lip. I then reel this line off onto a spare reel. Now the braid is on the outside. I then reel this line onto another spare reel.....PHEW......Now the braid is on the inside of the spare reel. I then load this onto the reel I will be using. This ensures that the braid is at the edge of my spool and so my drag will work smoothly.
As you can imagine, if I keep this system up I'll have rheumatism in my hand by the time I'm 40 and I'll have to jack in the fishing!!!
So has anybody got a system that is handier then this while ensuring a full spool? OR do people just judge it by eye?
Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:28 pm
Nah, you've got it. The 3 reel trick.......
Once you've got the right amount of mono backing and braid on a reel, you shouldn't have to remove the backing ever again. Just change the braid. F'instance, I loaded my Morrums with backing and 300yds of Fireline. Now I just swap the braid around when the front end becomes frayed, after that I replace it with another 300yds of Fireline. I don't touch the backing.
Mind you, I think Penn do an automatic line loader..........
Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:43 pm
i use an old spool and a battery drill it winds the line off in no time
Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:48 am
No, not Penn. Berkley Spooling Station is what I thinking of. And here's good old Veals offering: ... html#a1072
Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:16 pm
Load the braid on first using a clip on line counter,[ 200m should be more than enough for most areas, so buy in bulk] reset the counter and fill with backing. Note the reading and put it somewhere safe!!
Empty the reel using an old plastics drink bottle connected to an electric drill or screwdriver. Transfer to a second bottle and then reload the reel using a power screwdriver [ on the lightest clutch setting ( screwdriver) or lowish drag setting (reel)] connected tro a socket to the reel handle retaining nut.
If you stick to the same lines, and dont loose the numbers you'll only have to do it once!!
As before the old three reel trick modified for 1 reel and power tools!!
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