Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:54 pm
A great day on Hallow'een for what was most likely our last boat outing of this year unless anyone knows of a charter boat with central heating. Sean mc Kay certainly lived up to all that "K2" said. An extremely helpful and knowledgeable skipper. He certainly helped with tackle, bait and tangles and assisted some of those who insisted on "trying to pull the plug out". Athough out for Skate they proved to be non takers no proven hits although we had dogfish galore,Spurdog to 10 lbs and for us our first ever blackmouthed dogfish ( never even heard of it before) and a Rock Ling which at 1 3/4lb ,Sean reckoned was a specimen but that it would lose some weight before it could be verified. The blondes will have to wait as they are caught on another mark. ah well we tried,we did we did. :D
Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:00 am
Blackmouth Dogfish?
Very rare, I've heard of them but never seen one. A denizen of deeper waters, I think. Did you get any piccies for the gallery?
Good catch, well done.
Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:20 pm
Ahhh Joe mate, I told you so! Our boys are out on Friday (Hopefully), Cept me cos I'm working. Take it you were in that lovely joyfully spot where you need 3lb of lead to hold bottom!!!???
Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:22 pm
No pics , after we had a quick look at at it, the skipper released it with the tee bar. We were all too busy gawking at it to think of pics. Indeed K2 it was that 3lb of lead area with 8 foot of 160lb b.s.mono as a leader.Definitely a learning experience for us. :roll:
Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:33 pm
One of our Lads Hooked a Rock one of the times we were up, 35 Minutes to land about 8lb of stone! You end up feeling like 'Maybe the bait could stay down 5 more minutes...' lol.
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