Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:49 am
had this topic running about 2 years ago (was it really that long?) and got some useful advice from "ferrylights" tommy where are you now? anyway i got a new bigger boat this year but because of problems with it and crap conditions did not really get out as much as i would have liked. fishing in the lough was dire even the mackeral were few and far between. managed 1 decent pollack all year! worst ever! K2 if you read this the mark you are refering to is Lee's and i have NEVER caught anything there although i know people have. i could fill boxes with tiny cod/whiting/haddock but anything over about 6inches is hard to find. what probably did not help this year is that the lough was full of dolphins. next year must seek out some new marks or admit defeat and venture out of the lough to Gunn's island.
Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:09 pm
Was out on the Saint Brendan last Season (Runs from Portaferry), and we had a day like nothin I'd seen before...... Pretty much filled the Boat with Codling of 3lb to 8lb, However last year went out to the same spot with the same bloke and it was crud!
I've heard stories of certain spots around the light ship producing well in the past, but aint been out that far!
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