
Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:48 pm

Myself and a few friends are looking to take a boat out of Bullock harbour, but we are clueless about where we should go for the best fishing, also what sort of tide should we fish, any advice would really be welcome.

Bullock fishing

Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:56 pm

Fishing out of bullock is bad. There is really only one option here. Pick a day with a force 3 westerly or less. This will allow you to fish on the North side of 'the Muglins'. Use small black redgills close in to the rocks and you will get Pollack up to 5 lb. It can get very rough in this area due to the fact the sea bed rises sharply on the rocks at a certain point. Try to fish with the tide coming in and with your time at this spot over slack water. If it is choppy Dalkey island can provide some shelter but the fishing around it is very scrappy. Some good wrasse can be taken by casting in close to the rock on the South East side of the island. The water is deeper here. Wrasse and Codling can be taken on the East side of the Muglins also. South side of Muglins is waste of time.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:05 pm

Thats great, thanks. But how would you get to the muglins from bulloch

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:18 pm

Coming out of Bullock on your right you hve two Islands. The Big one is Dalkey island and the small one with the lighthouse is 'The Muglins' or 'Muglins island' Don't ask me why its called that. it just is :?

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:20 pm

thanks a lot for that, :oops: fingers crossed we will catch something.