Belfast Lough

Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:12 pm

ok so last year we got dug deep into the pockets for a new boat and got an orkney pilothouse 20 around the start of the summer.we spent last summer just farting about the lough and trying to target as many species as possible with quite poor results-codling, pollock, whiting, gurnard, wrasse, mackerel and an octopus!this year we tend to target a lot more species including tope, conger, larger cod, ling etc.i know that we should probably start to look about for tope around may using rubby dubby mix, mackerel flappers and wire traces but i still have questions-what depth should we fish at? deep or shallow water? hook size? for the other species we need some advice about locations, we have tried donaghadee and the copelands with little success, blackhead which was brilliant and helens bay. i would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give some advice and if you are not comfortable about posting spots just give me a pm, and dont threat we are a catch and release boat, fishing only two lines. Thanks!!
