home made anti foul

Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:44 am

was talking to a lad tonite that swears by his home made anti foul
consisting of one litre of gloss paint mixed with 300 ml
of household bleach he reckons that the sodium hypochloride in the bleach kills off any growth on the hull and by the end of the season
the gloss is going to flake off anyway taking whatever is still clinging on to it leaving him to only do a little bit of scraping of his fiber glass
hull which he would have to do anyway if he used regular anti foul
any one have any suggestions, if it works could save a lot on a tin of anti foul

homemade anti foul

Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:00 pm

gloss paint is oil based bleach is water based so they will not mix!

if by vigourous stirring you got them to emulsify (doubtful) it would look dreadful!

I have heard talk of home made antifoul based on "liquid lino" but I use the stuff used on trawlers (no good on fast boats) its cheap and effective but a bit messy at retreval time as it tends to rub off on everything.