Anchor Winch

Tue May 09, 2006 10:35 am

Hi All,

Because of heart problems cannot haul anchor any suggestions on winch to use on a Seahog Commodore? Also any suggestions on anchor, chain, rope setup to use?



Tue May 09, 2006 11:51 am


Firstly, get the crew to do the hauling!

There are many small battery powered windlasses on the market. I am sure that you could fit one of these to the bow of a Commodore. It would be an expensive option.
A quick google brings up these: ... t.htm?S38-

Have you used a buoy to retrieve your anchor? The "alderney ring" system as it is known, eliminates the need for brute force hauling. Once the chain passes through the buoy the effort required to bring the warp and anchor to the boat is minimal. It must be said that if not done correctly you run the risk of propping yourself so beware! Best get instruction from some one who is familiar with the technique.

We use a plough anchor of 7.5kg mated to 8mm braided rope(300m). We have about 5m of heavy galvo chain. This setup holds us in any conditions we have anchored in. Depending where you are fishing you might not need as heavy an anchor you might get away with less chain (moot point if you have a windlass or use a buoy).

The solution is out there!


Anchor Winch

Tue May 09, 2006 12:24 pm

Hi Jim,

I have always been afraid of the Alderney Ring for the reasons you give but maybe should try it first and then see if the costs of alternative are justified.

Thanks for your help



Tue May 09, 2006 2:43 pm

It is a good idea to pass the rope behind your stern cleat (not tied off) you may find that it keeps the rope angled away from the engine. It certainly works well on the warrior.