Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:55 pm
Being a complete technophobe I bit the bullet and rooted at my Garmin Striker 7cv so I got as far as linking it with my mobile and found that I have a thing called Active Captain but at the moment it seems to have nothing of use and I have to download anything I want. I see relief shading maps but anyone talking about them seem to use an sd card which the striker hasnt got and I was wondering if I download a section of map to my mobile (say for Donegal) would it automatically be seen in Active Captain and also how much do these maps cost approximately and are they a once off payment. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:57 pm
Its Ofishal wrote:Being a complete technophobe I bit the bullet and rooted at my Garmin Striker 7cv so I got as far as linking it with my mobile and found that I have a thing called Active Captain but at the moment it seems to have nothing of use and I have to download anything I want. I see relief shading maps but anyone talking about them seem to use an sd card which the striker hasnt got and I was wondering if I download a section of map to my mobile (say for Donegal) would it automatically be seen in Active Captain and also how much do these maps cost approximately and are they a once off payment. Any help would be very much appreciated.
The Striker is a Fish Finder with a built in GPS. It is not a chart plotter. It will not display charts for you. I reckon you will be able to see the charts on the phone if you buy/download a chart. Check the download section of the app.
If you want Relief Shading you will have to purchase a G3 VISION chart. It will be prefixed VEU. It's a one off payment. You'd get the top half of the country for approx €200.
Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:03 pm
Thanks a lot Jim I am thinking of saving a few bob and buying a unit that will do it all and add maps as well. Someone told me a 75 uhd is the one , so my next question is , is he right or what do you recommend.
Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:33 am
I have the 75 CV UHD. Delighted with it.
There a bit about Relief Shading and units here: ... -the-hype/
Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:43 pm
Do you use the same model of transducers for both units.
Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:28 pm
Just one transducer. I have both units linked via Garmin Network cable. Data is shared between both units. I usually use one for GPS and one for sounder, if I wish, it can be either or.
Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:42 pm
Thanks for all your help Jim. I see a Vision map that covers from Cork up the west coast and across to Belfast for €280 so before buying the Garmin Uhd unit I think I will subscribe €40 to Navionics on my phone and see how it all works.
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