Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:23 am
Happy New Year everybody.
I have an Explorer Elite (Warrior 165 copy) with an open cuddy which I'm going to close in so I can park the boat in the local harbour in summer. Its an awkward job becaue of the positioning of the steering console, cuddy lip, and the interior locker/flotation benches - nothing lines up and there are several curved surfaces. I've devised a workable solution, but before I start, just wondering if maybe somebody with a Warrior has done the same thing, and how they got round the various obstacles?
Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:58 am
Leave it as it is and bring your valuables home with you it's easier. If you leave stuff on-board it's just an invitation for some scumbag to break open your partition anyway.
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:40 pm
I'd agree with John,
Take your stuff home. Anything left on the boat will just be an invite.
Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:31 am
JOHN 1 is spot on, plus you might be surprised at how often the bulkhead/partition interferes with moving both equipment and yourself around the boat.
Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:06 am
Thanks for your input gents. I maybe should have mentioned that this project is to replace an older boat thats been on the water here every summer for several years without problem. I've kept a succession of boats on the water in various locations over the past four decades so I'm well aware of security aspects and know well how to minimise them. Where I am at the moment is particularly safe for a variety reasons I wont bother going into.
Dont think I'm going to get any technical feedback as requested, so I guess we can consider this thread closed.
Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:06 pm
Just use 6mm plywood and just glass it over ,should be able to get it to bend to the shape ye need and bolt it to the frame ,the glass will strengthen it up
Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:49 am
Thanks Eoghan. I've done work on other boats before so I've got the basic stuff sorted out already, it was tips for fitting round the various obstacles on this specific type of boat I was looking for. Its a Warrior 165 copy.
Incidentally, I'm using 6mm rigid white PVC sheeting instead of glassing up plywood. Quicker, less messy.
Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:24 pm
Should be able to bend that with a Hotwire ,or a heat gun.use a heated nail to make holes in the arcrylic don't drill it ,it's expensive and breaks easily,best thing to do with a cabin is leave the cabin messy and looking uncared for but quickly tidied when heading out,hopefully your boat won't look like it's worth the effort,hopefully
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