Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:32 pm
Has anybody ever rented a charter in cancun while on holiday am heading in over in two weeks thanks
Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:20 pm
karlm wrote:Has anybody ever rented a charter in cancun while on holiday am heading in over in two weeks thanks
this might help
Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:54 am
Try find a decent skipper that know their fishing.... Most of the charters out there will have you trolling for hours on end for a few Bonito or Rainbow runner. There is also a chance of a few Barracuda. There is the odd Marlin and Sailfish caught as well, but they are vey hit and miss.... It can be good craic for a group of lads for a day out, but getting a decent skipper is key!
Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:38 pm
I went out on a charter when over there. Booked it through the resort I was staying in.
Very well kitted out, trolled around caught a couple of big dorado but some of the fellas on the charter blanked as they’re rods didn’t get a hit. So best to do some more research online and get a good skipper.
Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:56 am
Same for Me Alby, We got a half decent skipper that cut up some of the Bonito and got us into some other species including some very big triggers and Red snapper and Small Barracuda's. Most of the guys run the boats on behalf of an owner, so getting someone that's into angling is the key. If you go to the Marina about 5pm on your first or second evening, you will get to see the catches of the various boats. Grab a bottle of beer and watch what's being caught and ask a few questions and book with the guy that unloads the most fish or species
Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:17 pm
Problem with any holiday resorts is that skippers provide trips for holiday makers that are not fishermen. It is just like the evening mackerel bashing trips that some of the skippers here organise.
That said I always try a trip when I am abroad but go out knowing what to expect.
I hope you get lucky and hook the big one
Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:06 pm
This is going back about 15 years ago. Stayed in Cancun and got a tip that there was some great sport fishing in the 'lagoon' at the back of the hotels. Took a bit of searching but I eventually found this guy called Rodman P Hunter (honest) who had no interest in taking anyone out who was not a serious angler. First evening I booked him for me and my wife from 5 - 9 pm and we used imitation plastic shrimps worked slowly on spinning gear for 'baby' tarpon. Had great fun and caught a few just into double figures. as dusk came he threw out a cast net and caught some little grunts which we freelined as livebaits up in the mango swamps. Caught various snappers, tarpon and a few species I did not recognize. 9pm soon passed and we carried on fishing till the small hours and if we had not called a halt at about 2am i think we would have stayed out all night.
Had 2 more trips out in the lagoon with Rodman and caught tarpon to 30lbs plus lots of other species. Last day there we went out to the barrier reef and latched into a GT that between us taking turns on the light Ugly Stik we were using took nearly an hour to land.
Spoke to several guys who went out on the big charter boats and none had a good time while i had a blast.
Try and find someone to take you out in the lagoon, it will be worth it.
If i can be of any more help give me a call.
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