Managed a few short sessions in the south of France while on honeymoon. Sneaking my telescopic rod into the luggage was a covert operation but she should know who she's married at this stage
Went out twice for a few hours each time, the brilliant weather and picturesque coastline made it really enjoyable and did my best with my basic french when people started asking the usual questions!
Fished both sessions with small harbour rag and winkled out a few wrasse, scorpion fish and some sort of blenny, if anyone has any idea of the IDs it would be much appreciated. The coastline down here has miles of rocky outcrops which could throw up some interesting species as proven when snorkelling and scuba diving on a few of the days.
The first night I fished the local pier from dusk into darkness and learnt lesson 101 of Mediterranean fishing, DO NOT FORGET THE INSECT REPELLANT! Covered in welts the next day
The 'mistral' started to blow a bit on the second day which made fishing a bit trickier with the light gear. Tried the pier again for an hour and managed a few Wrasse. The tide was pushing in and combined with the wind the small 20-30g leads were having trouble holding bottom. A bit of a hike produced a nice sheltered gully and a nice ledge to fish off. Caught a few scorpion fish here and was outwitted by a lot more! Good fun all-in-all.
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