n order to fish from a small boat, in the harbour or off the breakwater or rocks along the coastline, you should first be in possession of a licence to carry out the activity. The licence, called a 'Licencia de Pesca - Maritima de Recreo' costs a little less than a freshwater licence and is valid for a period of either one or three years. There are no 'short term' licences available.
In order to apply for a sea fishing licence, a visit to the provincial capital is necessary as I believe you must be present when applying. It is not worth the risk fishing without the required permit.
Catalonia: Licences for Recreational Fishing
A recreational fishing license (Llicència de pesca recreativa) is required to fish the inland or marine waters, or underwater, in Catalonia.
* For information regarding the types of fishing licences available in Catalonia: Click here (in Spanish)
http://barcelona.angloinfo.com/r.asp?http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/DAR/menuitem.5fbcc9934b5f463053b88e10b031e1a0/?vgnextoid=59395eee8da34110VgnVCM1000000b0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=59395eee8da34110VgnVCM1000000b0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default * For full details of marine fishing: Click here (PDF in Spanish)
http://barcelona.angloinfo.com/r.asp?http://www20.gencat.cat/docs/DAR/PE_Pesca_aquicultura/PE04_Especies_calador_mediterrani/Documents/Fitxers_estatics/ImpresTallesMinimesgener2008.pdf In Catalonia, permits are available for one to four years (renewable), the price varies depending on period of duration. The licence free for pensioners and people under 14 years of age.
An underwater-fishing licence (Llicència de pesca recreativa subaquàtica) is valid for one year and is renewable. An application for an underwater fishing licence must be accompanied by an official medical certificate stating that the applicant is physically fit enough. If the certificate is not in Spanish or Catalan it must be officially translated in either of those languages.
A collective recreational fishing licence is available for groups of up to ten or ten or more people fishing together (Llicència de pesca recreativa collectiva). There is a separate application form in this case.
* Licences are available to anyone 16 years of age and older who has not been banned from recreational fishing
* A parent or guardian must apply for a licence for a child under 16
* Licences are free for children under 14, for retirees and people with a permanent or total disability
Applying for a fishing licence
Recreational fishing and recreational underwater fishing licences for Catalonia can be applied for and renewed online via the Generalitat de Catalunya website. A Spanish physical address is not required. After the application is submitted, applicants receive notification via e-mail or SMS text message that the licence is ready and printable. The applicant can then download and print the licence. Applications made online are discounted and payment is made using a credit card.
A licence can be applied for in person; submit an application to the territorial Department of the Environment office (Serveis Territorials de Medi Ambient). A paying-in slip is issued, which is used to pay the licence fee at a la Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions (La Caixa) bank or ServiCaixa self-service machine (available 24-hours a day). The bank or machine will issue a receipt, which should be taken back to the Media Ambiente office, where the licence should be issued immediately. The paying-in receipt is only valid for one month. Application forms for the llicencia de pesca recreativa are available online and at Serveis Territorials de Medi Ambient offices.
* For contact information, including addresses, of territorial Medi Ambient i Habitatge offices:
http://barcelona.angloinfo.com/r.asp?http://www10.gencat.cat/sac/AppJava/adreces.jsp?tema=Medi%20ambient&q=Serveis+Territorials+de+Medi+Ambient&dept=Failure to obtain the necessary permits and licences can result in large fines and confiscation of fishing equipment. Some anglers choose to hire professional tour operators to obtain the required permits, licences and insurance.
I hope this helps. Good luck