furoy fishing camp norway

Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:58 pm

Hi all been meaning to write this report for about a month :roll: :roll: :roll: but work work work :( myself and several members of the club headed to northern norway on the 14th july. So after 3 flights and an early 4.30am start we arrived in furoy fishing camp. The scenery was breathtaking to say the least and optisim was high as we had been getting regular updates on how the fishing was going from manager of the camp a scotch girl named Vicky. We were allocated our rooms and before the boys had there cases unpacked i was away withh my new spinning rod armed with a couple of spinners :D :D first cast coalie snaffeld my spinner this was great :D :D . Rest of boys joined me on jetty and we decided to go out on the boats even though it was 3am :roll: :roll: first trip on to the bay resulted in Cod,Coalies and Wolfish :D :D we arrived back in camp around 3 hours or so later. On way in we noticed another boat from the camp litterally getting trailed across bay by a monster of a fish. The 4 lads on board were sweddish anglers and one of them had conacted to a huge Halibut. They finally got it in, the fish weighed in at 72kg 8) 8) 8) to say everyones spirts at the camp were raised would be an understatement.

Day 2 continued as day one with cod, coalies,wolfish,redfish,haddock al l being caught. The only problem we were having was we werent catching the monsters you see in pics,tv etc. We arrived back in shore to see the sweeds had landed a monster catch of Cod and Haddock. :?: :?: :?: After some quizzing we realised these boys had been here before and new the marks very well. They told us to steam up the frojd around 20mins to we arrive at a factory and away you go

Day 3 armed armed with our new knowlege we headed for the factory we arrived to see herring jumping out of water getting chased by coalies we landed some nice double figure Cod,coalies and Torsk ,Haddock to 8lb and some nice ling a nd whiting.

The rest of the week cotinued in same vein and fish came thick and fast. I even had a camp first in catching the first L.S.S.S 8) 8) Vicky was more fascinted by that wee fish than some of our big Cod :D :D :D ALll in all a great experience and cant wiat to go back next year To view pictures of our trip go to
furoyfishingcamp.com click on phots 2010 gallery and scroll down to bottom of page vicky has all photos labeled
Tight Lines Dan

Re: furoy fishing camp norway

Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:53 am

wow that was worth a trip and some nice size fish dan.really lookin foward to viewing ur pics tomorrow as is to late now and i wrecked.well done to ye all.if this is the right dan of the mariners club in belfast i was talking to before there was a boat in killala here who got a 60lb conger a few weeks back.just to let u know as ye had a 38lb one down here before if im correct

Re: furoy fishing camp norway

Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:31 pm

Well done Dan and brilliant pics.

What happens to the fish? Do you get to bring them home frozen?

Re: furoy fishing camp norway

Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:44 am

well done dan. i just checked out the photos. must have been a great trip :P . i'm sure that the sheer quantity of fish made up for the sizes you were expecting :) yes brian, that's the dan you were thinking about :wink: , not the millisle dan.

Re: furoy fishing camp norway

Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:23 pm

brilliant fishing dan.. looks like it was a great holiday.

Re: furoy fishing camp norway

Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:13 pm

thanks for replys lads was a great holiday and great fishing :D :D :D , as for the fish the locals were more than happy to take them off our hands :wink: we would have maybe brought some home but we only had a 20kg baggage allowance