Hi all
Just spent ten days at Sands Beach resort in Costa Teguise.
Took along a Savage Gear Road Runner 12-40gm spinning rod,assorted plugs/lures, a few 2 & 3 hook flappers,bubble floats,selection of hooks and weights.
Managed to grab an hous fishing off the pier at the back of the resort complex most days.
Met a local on the first day there who advised to fish the last two hours of the rising tide.
Started out with a kilty spinner for about 1/2 hour with no takes.
Switched over to a bubble float and bread flake on size 6 hooks and was immediately catching a lot of small fish.
There were ornate wrasse by the bucket load and they could strip a bait in no time.
tried smaller hooks but only had barbless ones with me which the fish shook themselves off with ease.
plenty of mullet in this area but all were small (around 1lb for the biggest)
They only took the bread whilst it was floating,once it began to sink the other fish moved in very quickly.
Only caught one mullet but at least that breaks the blank for this year (4 trips to strangford lough before I went on hols!)
Caught the odd wee bream of different varieties and these put up a good scrap for their size.
Bought some calamari and prawns out of a supermarket freezer for a few euros.
The prawns came off the hook too easy but the calamari fished well with all the species barr the mullet going for it.
I would recommend either the calamari or bread for the main baits if you are going.
Bought a 10euro telescopic rod and reel for the wee one but she was more interested in building sand castles
so I used it as it was lighter than my spinning rod and was good craic for the mini species.
Went to a deep water mark about a 15 minute walk north from the complex.
The wind was so strong coming onshore it was difficult to cast more than around 40yards with a heavy spinner.
Stuck it out for an hour but went home with nothing.
There was a 15ft swell crashing into the rocks I was on
I would have loved to have my beachcaster onthis bit of shore as it looked like it would've been very productive.
The weather for the duration of the trip was very windy (more than normal according to the locals)
and quite overcast but we had a brilliant holiday and will go back again (this was my second visit here!)
Sands Beach rules!
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